Tim PloughNman Daley RIP

Well-known Member
Some of you veterans will remember our old FORD Sparkie-Meister guru, Zane Sherman, who passed away in 2018. I had the privilege of speaking with him personally on the phone at least a dozen or more times before passed away. We would chat at least once a month sometimes for over an hour or more. Del always advocated for and was a firm believer in the FORD 6V/POS GRN Electrical System, and 12V was okay if done for all the right reasons. One of his famous mantras was, if it wont start on 6V, what makes you think it will on 12V or EI???... Words of wisdom that still hold truth. I became a follower of his thinking and advocated for a 6V only system. But in later years I realized that there are PROS and CONS for each system and using 12V has its merits, when done for all the right reasons. Today I say unless you are doing an exact as original restoration on an early 9N or 8N, no reason not to use 12V if you so desire. Zane and I often discussed the posts on the boards and both concluded that every issue/problem on a Ford Tractor could be resolved and answered simply with reading the Original Owners Manuals, Service Manuals and MPCs. Also that virtually every question had been posted at least once before and if one did an archive search could get the answer they sought. Further, we agreed, was that many fellas are too lazy to search the archives so figure it is much faster and easier just to ask the question again and so do that. Granted the Archive Search isnt set up very well; you cant do a keyword search, topic search, or by date search, and only can go by tractor make and subject are not listed in any chronological order though a date does show up with each post. The posts below about engine oil are some of those perfect examples of a topic that has been beaten to death over the years since 1996. There are also articles here that have been written on specific topics as well. The LH side of the Home Page has the list. Instead of getting arrogant and nasty, especially after others have helped by answering your questions, and since it is obvious one does not own a set of The Essential Manuals, many here advise you to heed the good advice given and move on. Why beat a dead horse? You say your 43 runs good and no oil issue so what are trying to prove? Get your manuals out and read, use whatever oil you want, and worry about more important issue like PMs, tune-ups, hydraulic systems, and cooling systems. Some here just like to stir the pot, never offer any pro-active advice, and criticize others when we do so.

Tim Daley(MI)
Thanks for the info. Now, how does one do an Archive Search. I've wanted to do that but don't have a clue.
First of all, thanks Tim for being a constant source of info for us! I need a clarification on one thing you said, "our old FORD Sparkie-Meister guru, Zane Sherman." I remember that being Del, not Zane! Was this simply mis-stated or a connection I never realized?
Yep, you are correct, sir. I had Del at first but couldn't remember his last name. Zane was the -Clean, Bright, and Tight 6 VOLT mantra guru...though any electrical
connection needs to be clean and tight.

Tim Daley(MI)

From the YTMAG Home Page, open the DISCUSSION FORUMS from the LH menu list. Under the top RED MENU BAR select ARCHIVES. Choose the tractor model you want, click it to open. You will get a lot of pages, not in any chronological order, only by subject and the date posted shown. That is where you can start going through, by subject if you want or searching for a certain date if you know it. It takes time but you can find a lot of good info that has been posted. You may even stumble on some stuff you never knew before. Once you find some info you wish to save, simply highlight the post, copy and save it in a WORD document on your PC for future reference. I keep a folder with documents like this labeled by subject for easier access.

(quoted from post at 08:59:44 10/25/22) Thanks for the info. Now, how does one do an Archive Search. I've wanted to do that but don't have a clue.

In Modern view the Search button is in the top left corner of the navigation bar


This post was edited by TheOldHokie on 10/25/2022 at 07:04 am.
(quoted from post at 09:50:00 10/25/22) Yep, you are correct, sir. I had Del at first but couldn't remember his last name. Zane was the -Clean, Bright, and Tight 6 VOLT mantra guru...though any electrical
connection needs to be clean and tight.

Tim Daley(MI)
Yes, Lynn and JMOR corrected me. Though I had talked with Zane several times, it was Delbert Golightly, the original Sparkie-Meister, who I was talking about. He passed away on JAN 31, 2018, handle here was Dell (WA). He worked at Boeing too didn't he? I can only see JMOR's picture in Modern View though. I was also incorrect to say there was no way to archive search a specific topic in the archives. You can. From the top MENU BAR, if you select SEARCH, you get a form to enter some keywords to click on and then get a list of posts you can scroll through. Does anybody know if Del was Native American?

Tim Daley(MI)

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