Wifes credit card was stolen.

37 chief

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Just a reminder to watch your stuff. Wife was leaving Walmart. She put her purse on the front seat. then preceded to put the groceries into the back of the car. Someone wanted directions, and kept my wife looking away from the front to the car. Her partner opened the front door, remove only her credit card from her wallet. As the wife was leaving the parking lot the credit card co called, and asked if she used her debit card, as she never uses debit. By the time the wife called the bank to cancel her card. two 509.00 perches were made. One was cancelled in time. This was last weekend. The bank just put the money back in our account today. So anyone can grab your card, using debit, and start buying stuff. Just be extra careful with your cards. Stan
Interesting that they used the debit portion if you said that correctly. A debit purchase usually requires a PIN.
I have heard that you should shield your fingers with your second hand because bad guys can take a thermal scan of the keys to help them figure out what your PIN is.
that happened to us too. The thief was charging less my wife so I did not report it. Sorry for the bad joke. I am sure it will be a thorn in your side for a while. Bill
I have had my debit card used by scammers, but never had it physically stolen.

Lost it once, called and reported it before it was used.

Each time it was improperly used the card company caught it, canceled the card, and immediately replaced the funds. I assume whoever accepted the card number was out their money!

Somehow, they know when something isn't right. A couple of times they put a hold on it because something triggered their alert, and it was a legit sale. I called and they allowed the sale and turned the card back on.
Are you sure they did not also steal a paper in her purse with name and address?

Our debit card can be used like a regular credit card even though the funds come from a checking account.

Pin number required when using as a debit.

Three numbers on the back needed along with name and billing address for online purchases.
Another thing i dont do, is hand the credit card to the waitress, in their little folder, I say i will walk up there and pay, while your sitting down they can copy down all their info, and you wont know, till you get the phone call !
That doesn't necessarily work as I did what you said for the reason you stated and it still got whacked many years ago. When I found out about it I called the place and got in touch with the manager. He was very cooperative and looked up my charge acquiring background information as to the charge. He said that waitress XYZ was his best employee.......

Soooo since that happened, if I am going to eat out, I preplan with a pocket full of cash and pay cash including the tip in round numbers so that I am through with the transaction when I hand the folder to the employee. No more problems!
Good Morning: Slightly related experience; I had used my bank card at ATM to withdraw some cash, then put the cash and the card on the car seat between my legs. Next stop, the county "waste convenience center" to drop off bags of trash. Got home, no bank card! I retraced my route, when I got to waste convenience center, I asked the attendant if he had seen a bank card. He never blinked, he simply asked me my name. I told him, and he went inside to his office and came out and handed me my card! (Apparently, when I had gotten out to get the trash bags, the card had been on the seat between my legs and slipped out the door onto the ground. The attendant clearly had my name memorized from looking at my card, so an hour later he was prepared.)
Dennis M. in W. Tenn.

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