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  1. Stroby

    Silo for Saturday

    That's what I would call a "nest of silo's." Dandy
  2. Stroby

    Silo for Saturday

  3. Stroby

    Silo for Saturday

  4. Stroby

    M6060 HDC windshield wiper blade removal

    Time does indeed change things. I am going through some of the same experiences.
  5. Stroby

    Handle bar wiring revisited >

    Thanks for the update, good to know.
  6. Stroby

    Silo for Saturday

    I likey
  7. Stroby

    Silo for Saturday

    Super and actually appropriate. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Stroby


  9. Stroby

    Silo for Saturday

    Dandy, everything in the picture is well maintained.
  10. Stroby

    Silo for Saturday

  11. Stroby

    Silo for Saturday

    Very nice
  12. Stroby

    Silo for Saturday

  13. Stroby

    What did you lose today?

    ....don't know yet.....
  14. Stroby

    Silo for Saturday

  15. Stroby

    8 volt cub update

    Dandy, a lot of folks think this stuff is easy. lol
  16. Stroby

    Silo for Saturday

  17. Stroby

    Sealing a 1/8 inch hole

    put a screw in it, if it leaks, buy a new one.
  18. Stroby

    JD 4300

    Does anyone out there own a JD 4300 tractor and loader? I have one and It is my go to tractor for light maintenance around the house. My only issue with it is that it is very narrow wheel base, roughly 60" outside the rear wheels. I recently read where one can buy wheel spacers for this...
  19. Stroby

    Silo for Saturday

    I'll be......a real live "stubby silo."
  20. Stroby

    Silo for Saturday

    Very pretty picture, causes one's mind to "wander."

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