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  1. billonthefarm

    Did you use your tractor today?

    Triple 6 on wagon duty hauling beans.
  2. billonthefarm

    Harvest 2024 pics

    Thanks for the kind words about Wrigley. He was my shadow for almost 14 years. He was literally sick for one day. Vet said his kidneys had quit and the prognosis was very bleak. Still miss him but I have so many great/funny memories. We still talk about him all the time!
  3. billonthefarm

    Harvest 2024 pics

  4. billonthefarm

    White cab axial flows

  5. billonthefarm

    Combine and head

    1420 with deere 454A row crop head. Getting ready to cut some sunflowers and soybeans.
  6. billonthefarm

    Fall harvest day

    The Huey Farm is located at 1313 S Downs school road Elmwood IL. This is just south east of Farmington IL.
  7. billonthefarm

    Did you use your tractor today?

    Did a little mowing
  8. billonthefarm

    Good farm stock video

  9. billonthefarm


  10. billonthefarm

    Pulling pic

  11. billonthefarm

    IH 312 diesel in Hydro 70, slow oil pressure on start up.

    Make sure you have the right oil filters. The wrong ones will do exactly what you are describing.
  12. billonthefarm

    Picture I took last fall

    3 generations of harvesting.
  13. billonthefarm

    Big bad 1466

We sell tractor parts! We have the parts you need to repair your tractor - the right parts. Our low prices and years of research make us your best choice when you need parts. Shop Online Today.
