Search results

  1. Steve in VA

    Signs of the times 10/8

  2. Steve in VA

    Ear Worm 10/8

  3. Steve in VA

    Monday Steamer 7/10

    I find something elementally magical about the steamers. Thank you so much for posting.
  4. Steve in VA

    Lake Seaweed

    Did you by chance ever see the film "The Field"? 1990 with Richard Harris and Tom Berringer. Tracks pretty well.
  5. Steve in VA

    Signs of the times 10/7

  6. Steve in VA

    Ear Worm 10/7

  7. Steve in VA

    Lake Seaweed

    If I had ready access to it, I'd certainly compost and use.
  8. Steve in VA

    Is a chair a tool?

    Good point.
  9. Steve in VA

    Is a chair a tool?

    I find the 5 gal bucket way too low for me. When I try to sit on one, my knees are way too high and its trouble to get up. I know loads of folks who love them though.
  10. Steve in VA

    Is a chair a tool?

    A chair is indeed a tool. Roy Underhill believed that a kitchen chair was the perfect height to saw a piece of wood while holding it in place with your knee. Works for me.
  11. Steve in VA

    Signs of the times 10/6

    WAY out of my reach. I'm doing well to keep up with my small slice of heaven.
  12. Steve in VA

    Signs of the times 10/6

  13. Steve in VA

    Ear Worm 10/6

  14. Steve in VA

    Signs of the times 10/5

  15. Steve in VA

    Ear Worm 10/5

  16. Steve in VA

    Almost got stuck!

    Spring keep it wet or just low spot and loads of rain?
  17. Steve in VA

    Friday Motorbike

    That is equal parts machine and art. Didn't Lawrence have a Superior?
  18. Steve in VA

    Signs of the times 10/4

    New to me as well.
  19. Steve in VA

    Signs of the times 10/4

  20. Steve in VA

    Ear Worm 10/4

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