Search results

  1. M

    JD 4020 in dash oil pressure warning light

    My local John Deere dealer has those in stock. Price isn't bad either.
  2. M

    FM radio earmuff update

    Mark, I would have thought you listen to WJR on AM
  3. M

    This is going to go over like a lead balloon...

    I just stay logged in and never log out.
  4. M

    A update

    Best wishes KCM. Always looked forward to your pictures.
  5. M

    Everything is a trip hazard

    The shop is one big trip hazard. Pick up all air hoses and extension cords. Get small stuff up off the floor if possible.
  6. M

    Punctured rear tire

    Wouldn't hurt to give them a call. I would buy one new tire but that has been discontinued and is no longer available.
  7. M

    Punctured rear tire

    Well, I went to three ag tire shops today. No one thinks it's repairable. One shop said they could get it sectioned thought cost would be between $400 to $600 with no guarantee. When I tell them that tractor is crossing the Mackinaw bridge in September, no one says they would trust it. It's not...
  8. M

    Worst Car You have Ever Owned?

    1982 Ford F150 4x4 300 6 cyl. 3 speed with overdrive trans. Trans went out just out of warranty. Could not stop the engine from making alot of condensation. Valve train always rattled. Just generally a poj.
  9. M

    M and w mods for a Farmall m

    Every 2 years there is a m&w collectors group that meets at the half century of progress show at Rantoul Illinois. There was many products available for Farmall tractors. If you could somehow contact them you would be off to a good start. Good luck hunting. Mark
  10. M

    Punctured rear tire

    I appreciate all the replies. Tire shop where I bought them says not repairable, but I am going to check around some more. I will report back what I end up doing. Thanks.
  11. M

    Punctured rear tire

    Is this tire repairable. Ran a metal stake through it. Fairly new Firestone all traction 23° radial 18.4 - 34.
  12. M

    how big of a horse ?

    You got the perfect tractor for all of that. The 4020. Get it fixed.
  13. M

    Selling farm

    Been doing it that way here for as long as I can remember. One attorney did most of em. He is retired and now his son and daughter both attorneys have taken over.
  14. M

    1961 John Deere Gas---OIL drain plug with a petcock it is a 3010 gasser..........

    Sounds like a disaster in the making. If that petcock couldn't be locked, I wouldn't even consider it.
  15. M

    One way cylinder?

    Correct me if I am wrong, I don't think a White 105 has a float position.
  16. M

    install new bottom seal on overhead door

    Thanks Fred, for the tip. I will installing some of those seals on the bottom of my doors.
  17. M

    install new bottom seal on overhead door

    Works best to have a helper. One to pull the seal along and one to feed the seal in. Wet the seal with water and a little soap helps.
  18. M

    neighbors renter damaging fence post

    flying belgian, you and I think and do a like. Can not get my renters to slow down and do a good job along road sides, ditches and yards. May be looking for new renters in the future.
  19. M

    neighbors renter damaging fence post

    43,560 sq. feet in a acre. 43,560 divided by 2.5 feet ( a 30" row) = 17,424 row feet in a acre. 17,424 divided by 5,280 ft. mile = 3.3 miles to make an acre. The 17,424 row feet in a 30" row to make an acre is why corn growers measure 17.5 feet and count the corn plants and multiply by 1000 to...
  20. M

    Barnyard Area Light

    One of George's better ideas. I only put a 100 watt equivalent LED bulb in which I believe is 17 watts. This was for my inlaws. Like the other poster I like it dark at my place.

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