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  1. chevypanel46

    350 Utility TA clutch malfunction?

    Thank you, Jim. I spent time making incremental adjustments yesterday and got things functioning just about as you described here. The TA seems to operate exactly as it should, although there’s always a momentary light grinding sound when pulling the lever back into TA mode. That makes sense...
  2. chevypanel46

    350 Utility TA clutch malfunction?

    Thank you Red, I will be working with the tractor and experimenting with the incremental adjustments you recommend here. All the heavy resistance appears to be coming from the TA clutch pressure plate, and I had not thought to lubricate the pivot pin mounts. It's kind of a mystery how the...
  3. chevypanel46

    350 Utility TA clutch malfunction?

    Thank you, Jim. I went back through and thoroughly cleaned and greased all the friction/pivot points and that seemed to help a little. It appears she’s about as good as she’s gonna get, and will still get the job done. I had used this tractor for driveway maintenance for the last eight years...
  4. chevypanel46

    350 Utility TA clutch malfunction?

    Another thing to mention: The diameter of all these pivot pins appears to be 1/2 inch. I found the "top pin" in the TA clutch release lever to be 3/8" diameter (the holes are 1/2). I tried using both 1/2" and 3/8" pins (and adjusting for each) but with no appreciable difference.
  5. chevypanel46

    350 Utility TA clutch malfunction?

    OK, here's the latest. I went through the adjustment procedure as described by Jim N., which perfectly coincided with the shop manual I just got hold of. It does work, but not very well. The TA clutch begins to disengage at about the same spot of downward pedal travel as the master clutch...
  6. chevypanel46

    350 Utility TA clutch malfunction?

    Thank you Barnyard Engineering, Bob and Jim SO much for your good feedback. It’s back to the shop today to see if we can figure it out. Having the TA completely functional would be great, but more important is to just get the primary clutch working right. This is my first time posting on YT and...
  7. chevypanel46

    '57 International 350 Utility TA clutch malfunctioning?

    Thanks for your feedback, Mr. Fred. I’ll be back at it in the shop today trying to get ‘er lined out. This is my first time posting on YT and I inadvertently posted this under both Tractor & Farm Talk and Farmall, International & McCormick threads.
  8. chevypanel46

    350 Utility TA clutch malfunction?

    REALLY appreciate your reply, used red MN! You confirmed what I'd been optimistically thinking: All these components are basically healthy and functional--It's simply a lack of proper adjustment. To clarify: "with the clutch pedal full down and the TA lever all the way to the rear (engaged)...
  9. chevypanel46

    350 Utility TA clutch malfunction?

    I’m sure looking forward to hearing from the very knowledgeable 350 Utility owners here. I've been using my ‘57 350 Utility with front loader and blade for driveway maintenance for 8 years now. Now...almost everything works well—it shifts smoothly into all 5 gears and main clutch appears to be...
  10. chevypanel46

    '57 International 350 Utility TA clutch malfunctioning?

    I’m sure looking forward to hearing from the very knowledgeable 350 Utility owners here. I've been using my ‘57 350 Utility with front loader and blade for driveway maintenance for 8 years now. Now...almost everything works well—it shifts smoothly into all 5 gears and main clutch appears to be...

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