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  1. DoubleO7

    NO 15-40 OIL

    And...... replied/quoted his own post from least he agreed with himself :)
  2. DoubleO7


  3. DoubleO7

    Sediment bowl fuel shut off valve, how far?

    And after turning it in enough to get it to not leak, each time it is done, eventually the hole in the tank gets too big. Especially a tank where the pipe thread port is only reinforced by a pad of steel a bit thicker than the tank. Sometimes a crack develops in the thread hole. How far they...
  4. DoubleO7

    Building a bear-proof box

    @RedMF40 Old free chest freezer. Old ones sometimes have a built in lock. And if it still has a good seal, it might also keep bugs out of the feed. Can always add to it to make it look pretty.
  5. DoubleO7

    John Deere 420 Won't Keep Running

    @WNYBill Did you try running it with the gas cap loose? On the bottom of carb there is a pipe plug almost in the middle. Unscrew it to confirm good flow. There may also be a small tubular screen in the tank above the sediment bowl, but not positive. As well at the fuel line end inside the...
  6. DoubleO7

    What is this rail inside trailers?

    LOL, my grandfather drove his car by that method. He told me he kept the left front corner of the fender on the painted line in the road as he drove. Then we confiscated the keys soon after.
  7. DoubleO7

    420 Series Won't Keep Running

    Did you try running it with the gas cap loose? On the bottom of carb there is a pipe plug almost in the middle. Unscrew it to confirm good flow. There may also be a small tubular screen in the tank above the sediment bowl, but not positive. As well at the fuel line end inside the carb, but not...
  8. DoubleO7

    Need a exhaust manifold for TEA-20.

    Forgot to say, YT is owned by All States Tractor Parts (PartsASAP) which has quite a few other parts entities. Some in Canada so that you do not have to deal with customs.
  9. DoubleO7

    420 Series Won't Keep Running

    Looking at some of his past posts, it is likely a JD 420S
  10. DoubleO7

    Need a exhaust manifold for TEA-20.

    Call the phone number, (800) 853-2651 webpages do not always reflect true inventory. And you would have to call the number to order it into Canada anyways.
  11. DoubleO7

    John Deere Patio. tractor

    End of type code is what you are looking for.
  12. DoubleO7

    420 Series Won't Keep Running

    Or the lack of in the fuel tank cap.
  13. DoubleO7

    420 Series Won't Keep Running

    You end your post with "lawnmower". Is this a 1956-58 420 farm tractor or an overgrown 420 Lawn tractor from the 1980's??
  14. DoubleO7

    John Deere Patio. tractor

    @stonewall1268 According to this article, you have a 1970 or 71 Tractordata says the tractors for 1970 started at 160001 Yours has a high serial number for 1969 model year. Does yours have a type code with the M on the end? "Type numbers for 1970-1971 models are: 110 (T0642M, T0648M); 112...
  15. DoubleO7

    Need Advice Painting Cast Aluminum- Prime, Paint & Clearcoat

    If you have a postal scale or similarly accurate way to weigh the pieces, you could figure out if it is pot metal or aluminum. Fill a straight wall container, maybe a drum? Deep enough to fully submerge part but not over flowing. Mark water level without part. Then submerge the part and mark...
  16. DoubleO7

    Monster M-M

    I wanna see it or one similar run the quarter mile................
  17. DoubleO7

    Samsung Dishwasher repair, mayday! A tool?

    @adamjones Stop stealing and copying posts from other forums to post here on any YT forums. Four years ago:
  18. DoubleO7

    Feed sack tags/labels

    You could print labels using tyvek paper for inkjet or laser printers. Not cheap like regular paper, but you should be able to get several labels per 8.5x11 inch sheet. Tyvek is waterproof and tear resistant. Wife sews oven mitts and other fabric items to sell at craft shows during the...
  19. DoubleO7

    Recommendations for new kubota

    @Geo-TH,In In a new thread then this one, he said he bought a L3302DT But had not picked it up yet as of 09/17/2024
  20. DoubleO7

    Where to buy Farmall H Muffler Part#51070D

    This number for Glen also pops up as valid in 2024 vs 1998 (402) 986-1077

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