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  1. Lonestar Cowboy

    Howdy Plowman. I am trying to restore the attached middle-[ATTACH]buster, or possibly potato...

    Howdy Plowman. I am trying to restore the attached middle-buster, or possibly potato plow. Can you tell me exactly what this implement is, the proper nomenclatures for parts needed,, and point me to where I can get the parts to finish the project?
  2. Lonestar Cowboy

    Parts for a Little Genius 2-14 #8

    That makes sense. Thank you for the information!
  3. Lonestar Cowboy

    Parts for a Little Genius 2-14 #8

    Hello Mr. Plowman. Someone from another thread recommended your expertise to answer my question. I am currently restoring the attached plowshare. Can you point me to a source for moldboards that fit it, and the nomenclatures I need to know to purchase them. The plow is 18.5" X 9.75", attachment...
  4. Lonestar Cowboy

    I am having a heck of a time finding mold boards for a walk behind horse-drawn plow shard.

    Wondering if any of you experts can point me in the right direction for restoring the attached plowshare. Plow is 18.5" X 9.75", attachment holes are 1.5" on center.
  5. Lonestar Cowboy

    1958 IH Farmall 560 LP Restoration

    For anyone interested, I have a information on resolving the problem with the LP fuel shutoff valves.
  6. Lonestar Cowboy

    1958 IH Farmall 560 LP Restoration

    I need to replace the valves or the entire LP tank on my 560 project. I also have to replace the coolant lines to the LP filter. Does anyone have information on where I can find parts?

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