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  1. G

    Here is a picture of the tag

    Here is a picture of the tag
  2. G

    I apologize. I forgot to check on this site for contacts. The part number is 29303D. This is...

    I apologize. I forgot to check on this site for contacts. The part number is 29303D. This is actually a carburetor for a PA-50. It is the same carb as for a W-40, but with bigger jets. If you wish, you can call or text at 507-766-0378. John
  3. NOS Carburator for IHC W-40

    For sale NOS Carburator for IHC W-40

  4. Farmall Cub Drawabar with Swinging drawbar

    For sale Farmall Cub Drawabar with Swinging drawbar


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