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  1. M

    Ford Disc Harrow ID and manual search

    Thanks. They’re lifted manually.
  2. M

    Ford Disc Harrow ID and manual search

    Thanks. That looks similar minus the wings. Like I told the other guys, I’ll work on getting some pics.
  3. M

    Ford Disc Harrow ID and manual search

    Thanks. I’ll work on getting pictures. I’ve got a 100hp IH I’ll be pulling it with.
  4. M

    Ford Disc Harrow ID and manual search

    Thanks, I’ll work on getting some pictures.
  5. M

    Ford Disc Harrow ID and manual search

    I’m Working on a Ford disc harrow. Does anyone know how to identify which model it is? I’d like to get a service manual for it and the ID would help with parts. I can see the worn ford label on it but do not see the serial number. It’s a pull type, tube frame, single wheels, and has 2 2-3ft long...

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