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  1. R

    Ignition switch

    Thanks all. I’m taking everyone’s suggestions and going to work on it!!!!
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    Ignition switch

    I have a 1952 8N. The person that had it before me put a push button starter switch on it with a single wire running to it and then a wire off the other post. I want to take it back to original and get the original push button starter, but can’t figure out the wiring. The original old push...
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    Valve tappet gasket

    Shaun, Thanks. I was hoping it was that easy. Looks like the one nut on each cover is what needs to be loosened and then the covers pop off? Rod
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    Valve tappet gasket

    Is it possible to put on new tappet gaskets without taking off the exhaust manifold and just removing the carburetor to get to the area? They are leaking slightly and I want to replace them before I start repainting. Thanks.
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    8N fender brackets

    Thanks everyone. I thought maybe they would be worth a little something and may still try on eBay and if not, I’ll take them to recycle.
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    8N fender brackets

    I ordered new fenders with brackets/braces from Steiner for my 8N. My old fenders were in pretty bad shape so I am pitching them but the original heavy braces/brackets they attached to are in great shape. Anyone have a suggestion what I should list both sets of braces for? I’ve looked out on...
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    Tire replacement

    Thanks for the idea at the junkyard. I’ll give that a try.
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    Tire replacement

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    400-18 tires

    Does anyone know where to buy 400-18 tires at a reasonable price? Thanks.
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    Tire replacement

    Thanks for the replies. They are definitely 4.00 -18 which I also am surprised at the size. I’ll order 409-18 then if I can find them reasonably priced.
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    Tire replacement

    Can I substitute 4.00 -19 tires for my 4.00. - 18 since the 4.00 - 18 are much harder to find and quite a bit more expensive?
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    I have adjusted the clutch on my B and it still grinds a little when I first put it in gear even after waiting a minute or two. After it first engages it then shifts with no grinding in all gears. Any help appreciated!
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    Farmall B bellhousing

    I just bought a farmall b andi Im starting to go through it and change fluids. Opening up the cover plate underneath the bell housing a bunch of gunk fell out and I cleaned it out. Does any fluid go in the bell housing? Thanks in advance for your help.
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    No spark

    They are. For some reason I am not getting power to the coil. I have direct wired from the battery to the positive side of the coil and still no spark. I must be missing something simple. The starter turns over, has plenty of fuel but no voltage. This one is baffling! Thanks for your help.
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    No spark

    Side mount at .025
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    No spark

    Help......I just got an 8N from a buddy that said it started and ran two years ago when he parked it in his barn. I have replaced, coil, points/plugs, condenser, distributor cap, rotor, plugs, spark plug wires, switch and put on a complete wiring harness. I even replaced the switch yet I cannot...

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