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  1. M

    My mill and lathe

    I don't know about bigger being better. I've got a monster American Pacemaker, and I find it too big for small work. I bought a small LeBlond to do small work. DRO is great on a mill, but not really necessary on a lathe. I have thought about getting DRO on the lathe though.
  2. M

    Need a power steering pump for series 4 D -17 Allis C

    I’ve known several people that had a hard time finding a pump or even the parts to rebuild. Good luck, you may have to try to make another pump work.
  3. M

    post frame building (pole shed) - ceiling inside

    Your roof l will likely sweat, and there will probably be some moisture inside the shop. I would think Sheetrock would eventually deteriorate. Go with metal and blown in insulation, easiest, probably least expensive, and will hold up better.
  4. M

    Since I'm Doing Idiot Squares Anyway

    My square baler is at least as old as I am (50), it’s the only square baler we have ever had. It might sit in the barn for 2 seasons and not get used, but I can pull it out of the shed, grease it up, and go right to baling. I am working with a neighbor to put about 30 rolls here at my place...
  5. M

    Since I'm Doing Idiot Squares Anyway

    We put up mostly round bales, feeding cows at the family farm. I do have a small herd of goats at my place that I've put up about 300 squares to feed them. This year I'm switching to rounds for the goats too. Putting up the hay isn't the issue, I fill 2 wagons behind the baler and back them into...
  6. M

    Since I'm Doing Idiot Squares Anyway

    With a New Holland bale wagon, it can still work great with putting hay in a loft. When I was still putting up squares with a bale wagon we put some in the loft. I would pick up a load in the field, take it to the barn and dump the stack beside the elevator. There would be 3-4 guys putting the...
  7. M

    Since I'm Doing Idiot Squares Anyway

    Around here (Tennessee) you can buy a round baler the same vintage as a $2,000 square baler for $1,000-$1,500.
  8. M

    Since I'm Doing Idiot Squares Anyway

    Older round balers are fairly cheap, cheaper than you can buy a good used square baler. If you are putting up 3k square bales, you're already paying out quite a bit in labor and/or bale handling equipment or you are one tired son-of-a-gun. To each his own, but isn't not very efficient to be...
  9. M

    Since I'm Doing Idiot Squares Anyway

    Anybody putting up 3k of small squares a year should be selling hay, there is no reason on earth for somebody to put up than many small squares for their own use. If you are putting up over 500 or so small squares a year for your own use, you should invest in a round baler. As far as making hay...
  10. M

    Since I'm Doing Idiot Squares Anyway

    There is a lot of hay put up in this area. In all my 50 years, I’ve never seen a bale thrower around here. They seem to be real popular in other parts of the country, but not here in middle TN. People either drop them on the ground and pick them up, pull a wagon behind the baler with somebody...
  11. M

    Hawk Built roller

    When I was a kid we had a neighbor that bought the first large round baler that was ever in this area. I remember that the brand name was "Hawk Built" and it rolled the bale on the ground. I just remember it was a weird contraption and made a awful roll. He was the talk of the town but it put a...
  12. M

    John Deere Stackwagon

    Only one of those I've seen was a Heston. Never knew JD made one also.
  13. M

    New Holland Chain Balers - Questions

    If you are just putting up a few bales a year, one of those old chain balers will work fine. As has been said, they will bale almost anything and they are usually cheap to buy. Yes, they are slow, but if you aren't putting up a bunch of bales it's usually not that big of a issue. They are one...
  14. M

    New Holland 1010 Stackliner Questions....

    The safety bar you speak of is to let the table down onto it, so it sits at a angle for single bale unload. You don't really need the unloading hooks. What I've found best is some 4x4 post to put under the outer edges of the stack. The 4x4s will let you slide off the stack, and it also causes...
  15. M

    Is this a IH 150 spreader?

    That's a true 13 letter sh** spreader.
  16. M

    Tractor Weight?

    I haven't heard that tractor mentioned in years. Lol
  17. M

    John Deere R hydraulic hose

    Like has been said, likely 1/2" hose. Should be able to go to any hydraulic place or NAPA and have some made up. For the couplers, John Deere had some couplers of there own during that time, but most modern equipment takes the 1/2" Pioneer style. What are you trying to hook up?
  18. M

    Can I refill the oil here?

    Yes you are correct. You could put a WD or WD45 rear end on a WC but the only thing you’d be keeping is the engine. The frame rails may also swap over, I don’t know. The engine on the WC, WD, WD45, and even the D17 and 170 are of the same basic design. You can swap a engine between any of them...
  19. M

    Electric wire question service lines from pole to house

    Call it what you wish but it is grounded.
  20. M

    Can I refill the oil here?

    I've seen more than one WD engine with no side plate. From what I was told, that if you needed a new block from AC for your WD after the WD45 came out, the block you got was a WD45 block.

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