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    New stupid question for my John Deere A

    The 800 series 3-point set--up came out with the 50, 60, and 70's. Deere OK'd using the 800 series of hitches on the G, but said not to use it on A's and B's due to the front ends not being heavy enough. That being said, there are thousands of A's and B's with them on. I have 2 B's with them...
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    DTLX carb# to match bowl #

    Does anyone have a list of which bowl # (7 or 13) goes on which DTLX carb # (10, 18, 33, 41, 53,71, 72, 73 etc.)?
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    H John Deere carb

    Use a torch to heat the plug until you see a flash of green. Then start drilling using a left-hand drill bit. It'll probably unscrew as you are drilling.
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    44 A decals question

    If the green at the bottom says, QUALITY FARM EQUIPMENT, that is the logo that Deere adopted in 1950.
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    Plow button and pull ring

    Ah, you don't need one of those things! Just tie the trip rope to the pan seat. That way, when the plow hits a big rock and stops, the rope will pull the seat down. When the rope breaks, you'll have to worry about getting run over by the front wheels!! ;-)
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    ethanol gas

    I use ethanol in my old tractors. I just open the carb drain after shutting off the fuel as part of the shut-off procedure. That way no ethanol stays in the carb to gum things up.
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    JD 60

    The PTO shaft is off-center on a live PTO tractor. A regular PTO is centered on the rear end. Power steering should have a hole/cap to add steering fluid in the cap below on the tin of the nose piece,
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    John Deere Lessons

    Well, I do have a book called John Deere's Company. It's 3-400 pages and tells all the history. Sorta dull reading but everything is factual.
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    spark plugs

    If you REALLY want a challenge,find a pair of Champion 2 Com.L plugs. They were factory original in some of the Unstyled tractors. Here's a description of them posted by Duane Larson quite a while ago - A common Champion 7/8-18 plug is the 2COML plug which is interpreted as number 2 plug...
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    Plow ID and value if any

    I sold my 812 om CraigsList for $400. In talking to the guy, I found out he was going to use it on a 3020.I told him he would not need the gauge wheel for that and that I would deliver the plow (25 miles) if I could keep the gauge wheel and bracket. I sold those on a Facebook auction site for...
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    1948 John Deere B oil full of gas

    That's why I have a shut-down procedure. It is 1. shut off the gas, 2. put a clean container (I use a larger size can) in the frame, open the carb drain and catch the gas in a clean container, 3. after the engine runs out of gas, pour the gas from the clean container back into the gas tank...
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    1946 B Flywheel

    I have one I'll sell you for $50, plus shipping. Actually, I have several if anybody else wants one. Email is open. Please put Flywheel Wrench in the subject line.
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    Third attempt to load video

    I got the 3 seconds worth.
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    47 John Deere D Decal Locations

    Contact Travis Jorde. He'll have the info you need. (507) 288- 5483
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    Worth of JD1264R Skeleton Steel Wheels/48 Lugs

    I have the 48 lugs. I saw that Har lan Krueger(kruggiemonster) sold 48 lugs recently on Ebay for $472 + $175 shipping. Notice I said SOLD, not listed. I don't know if his first name is a curse word or what, but I get ------ if I don't put a space in it.
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    John Deere H Pat Browning

    This topic came up a couple years ago here. I did a little research, and posted this reply. After Patrick Browning's death, his business was sold to Charles Lindstrom. After Charles's death, the business was sold again to Lee and Becky Stedje. I contacted them in regards to the book. He...
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    Worth of JD1264R Skeleton Steel Wheels/48 Lugs

    I've got what I think are JD1264 Skeleton Steel rims/48 lugs that I traded a woodstove for. The A77R hubs that would go in them are still on my '37A and are NOT part of the package. I don't foresee using these wheels on the A. These rims are located close to Lincoln, NE. I don't see any...
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    Single bottom steel wheel plow value

    There should be a fairly large (3/4-1) number stamped in the main beam just before the curve or on the curve. The Link below has an example of what the number looks like. That beam number will determine what model it is. Open the link and scroll down there to find your number. There's the...
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    Unstyled JD B steering gears

    Notice that the part under the washer has more showing on one side than the other. This is the eccentric. Turn the front wheels all the way to one side. Adjust the eccentric until it is tight. Tighten the lock screw. If you leave the wheels centered as you do this, you will find that you...

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