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  1. D

    Shaving the head and block for 1940 UTS.

    I am working on my 1940 UTS, and want to give the engine a little more pep. I want to shave the head and possibly the block. How many of you have shaved the block before? It looks like the pistons come about .100" from the top of the block so I was thinking about taking .080" off. Is that...
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    Tips/Tricks for installing T/A Planetary into overrunning clutch.

    NEVERMIND. I took one more look at it and finally noticed that the planetary is notched so you can remove the sprague clutch from the rear housing when installed together. With the sprague clutch on the planetary you can drop the rollers right in, then re-attach to the rear housing. All went...
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    Tips/Tricks for installing T/A Planetary into overrunning clutch.

    Anybody have any tips or tricks as to how to install the planetary carrier into the sprague clutch? This is in a farmall 560 and every time it knocks the rollers out of place. Is there a method to hold the rollers back as you install? Thanks.
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    UTS-D -Special diesel drive question.

    The plug is not shown, but is listed under item #8 in the parts list. It is inside shaft #8.
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    UTS-D -Special diesel drive question.

    No, The plug is inside the hollow drive shaft. The shaft is also drilled allowing pressurized oil from the bushing into the shaft. Where the plug is located determines where the excess oil goes. To the front of timing gear case through the water pump coupling, or diverting the oil to the...
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    UTS-D -Special diesel drive question.

    I am rebuilding a UTS-D special and we dissasembled the injection pump adapter fully. We knocked out the plug from the hollow injection pump adapter shaft. This is in the adapter housing between timing gear cover and injection pump. The shaft is hollow, and gets oiled from a short line from...
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    Hot voltage regulator - No charge

    Im working on my IH 284 with a Hitachi Alternator and a solid state voltage regulator. Electrical is one area where my knowledge is lacking. The tractor was not charging so I replaced the voltage regulator. (inexpensive amazon replacement). It lasted a month and went bad so I replaced it...
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    Hot voltage regulator - No charge

    The voltage regulator cross referenced to the same part # as original. Its possible it does not match. Depends how much you trust amazon product descriptions. Identical in size/shape/wire connector.
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    Hot voltage regulator - No charge

    Im working on my IH 284 with a Hitachi Alternator and a solid state voltage regulator. Electrical is one area where my knowledge is lacking. The tractor was not charging so I replaced the voltage regulator. (inexpensive amazon replacement). It lasted a month and went bad so I replaced it...
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    Hydrostatic Power steering problem

    We have a Danfoss power steering motor on our FORD 4630 that we have started to have problems with. I post this question here because the same type of hydrostatic power steering system that is used on all brands. The problem is the steering has started to wander and will not hold course...
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    Hydrostatic Power steering problem

    Thanks for the push to test the steering cylinder. It was bad and the piston seal was shot. I would not have thought it could by-pass enough oil fast enough that it would prevent the wheel from coming up to a stop.
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    UTS-D Live PTO clutch.

    I'm working on a '56 Moline UTS-Diesel. Oil was leaking in the brakes and Live PTO clutch. The Live PTO clutch was seized on and I don't know if it was ever used and definitely had not been used in the last 25 years. I don't think the PTO was ever used on this wheatland tractor. The...
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    Cat 2 Implement to Cat 1 Tractor

    A Ford 3600 should be more than capable to handle Cat 2 balls in the lift arms. I would swap out the lift arm balls and use the cat 2 pins on the mower. Given enough time, if you swap the mower to cat 1 pins they will bend. I welded Cat 2 balls into all our ford tractors and we just...
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    UTS-D Live PTO clutch.

    Thanks. I have only used that style of Live-PTO clutch on an allis-Chalmers before. On those they do snap into and stay in the disengaged position.
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    Ford 6000 recall.

    I was wondering how the ford 6000 recall worked. Was the entire tractor returned to factory, or was any work done at the dealership? Shipped whole or were the tires and centers removed? Or was just the transmission shipped, and the dealership removed axles and engine? Just wondering.
  16. D

    Trouble getting tractor tire bead up on rim correctly

    For years I used Dish soap until I got a tire that would not seat. Then tried Murphys tire mounting compound. It is 10x slicker than dish soap and you can rub it on like a grease. Lube both bead and rim. I also second deflating and trying again seating the area that won't go first. If it...
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    OT...UTV tire life

    We have a few Kubota Rtv's and we hated the original 350 Mag OffRoad tires. We were constantly getting flats. We work them hard and needed a large load capacity. The original tires did claim a 1200# load capacity. We have finally found Kanati Mongrel ATV tires. They are 10ply tires. They...
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    Farmall 560 pops out of 4th gear under load.

    The Trans shafts are comepletely disasembled. 1-12 in your diagram and 34-50. 14 is still installed in the front TA housing. I pulled bearing #12 (Front Top) and I can fit a .005 feeler guage between rollers and #14 shaft. Very good Idea to inspect tapering of gear teeth. A quick...
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    Farmall 560 pops out of 4th gear under load.

    I believe it had good tooth alignment. Detent was strong and the rails and balls still look in very good condition. Not worn out at all. Thanks. Just surprised I did not find a MAJOR smoking gun like lost bearing rollers or anything. Looking like a bearing being .005-.010 loose will be enough.

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