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  1. L

    63 SM Diesel Cyl Head 3.6L needed

    I am looking for a cyl head for my 63 SM. 3.6L Diesel.
  2. L

    I need a cylinder head for my 63 SM 3.6L diesel. I see you have/had an SM motor. Do you still...

    I need a cylinder head for my 63 SM 3.6L diesel. I see you have/had an SM motor. Do you still have it or know where I can get a head? thx. russ
  3. L

    White 543 Planter - Drive Plate

    I ordered the Oliver 543 parts catalog I found on Ebay. I will check out that post. Thanks!!
  4. L

    Info on Oliver/White implement history, etc.

    The parts catalog is viewable? what's new? I found the Oliver 543 parts catalog on Ebay. Thanks for your input!
  5. L

    Info on Oliver/White implement history, etc.

    I'm finding it hard to locate parts for a White 543 4 row corn planter. It would be good to know how to efficiently find older eq parts. thanks for any help.
  6. L

    White 543 Planter - Drive Plate

    Would anyone know where to get a parts manual, & parts for a White 543 4 row corn planter. I believe the Oliver 543 is the same planter. TIA!

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