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    loading/toeing hydrostat trans a non running emax20

    I need to load a non running 2018 emax20hst, everyone says you must disengage the transmission but I can't find anything in the manual on how to do this?
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    How to toe a tractor with hydrostatic transmission

    Have a Mahendra emax sub compact tractor that not running & need to pull it up on a trailer, I am told you must disengage the transmission first but after reading the manual front to back there is no info on how to do this?
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    Sub compact hydrostatic non running tractor

    Need to toe a non running tractor about 2 miles it has a hydrostatic trans. Mahendra emax20e with loader and backhoe
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    Cheap aftermarket carb for MF35

    Took it apart to try and rebuild so many times I lost pieces & i think it was wrong type anyway, so cant be rebuilt
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    Cheap aftermarket carb for MF35

    Has anyone has a good experience with cheap aftermarket carbs? If so what brand or where did you order it. The old one was incorrect type the previous owner cobbeled togather so I need a complete carb. I is a 1961 mf35 the last ones with 4 cylinder continental gas engine.
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    Toughest Tractor

    My Massey MF1135 would rank at the top for turbo diesel,the hour meter broke 15 years ago, never been rebuilt, just fluids, tires and batteries. As for gas burners then my vote would be for Allis WD.
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    Front tires and rims on large tractors

    I have several large tractors that allways have problems keeping air in front tires. There is some corrosion form using sealer, whats the best way to clean the rims up & where can you find heavy duty tubes? All I can find around here are for 16" truck tires which don't hold up. My tires are...

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