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  1. F

    Front Loader on 706

    Neither. Just a draw bar.
  2. F

    Front Loader on 706

    Couldn't get the loader back on with it sunk into the dirt. So I got it back up out of the dirt. Will not unload it into dirt going forward without solid footing under the landing gear. Thanks again for all the good advice. Would have worked if it wasn't so deep in the dirt.
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    Trailer Accessory Attachment - Fast Hitch and 3 pt on 1966 model 706

    Meh, I got "schooled". Being new to tractors I didn't even know I could use any attachments without a fast hitch or 3 point system. Now I'm seeing some folks actually prefer the simplicity of pull behind stuff. I'll probably keep the radar out in case something comes my way as far as the...
  4. F

    Trailer Accessory Attachment - Fast Hitch and 3 pt on 1966 model 706

    I wish. The cracking is extensive, yet the seller said they would likely last a lifetime even cracked like that.
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    Trailer Accessory Attachment - Fast Hitch and 3 pt on 1966 model 706

    The rear wheels were like that when I bought it. I do indeed need to come up with a plan to swap them back. Unless i'm mistake (very possible), I believe I could just take each one off in turn and flip it the other way 180 degrees and put it back on the same side.
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    Trailer Accessory Attachment - Fast Hitch and 3 pt on 1966 model 706

    Lot's of great advice and it is appreciated. Thank you all. The pull behind box blade sounds like a good option in this case. It's likely that for my intents and purposes, a pull behind box blade and my existing front loader will probably provide all the functionality I need for my limited...
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    Trailer Accessory Attachment - Fast Hitch and 3 pt on 1966 model 706

    Anyone know if the hitch assy from a Super MTA will fit on a 706 Gas 1966 ?
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    Trailer Accessory Attachment - Fast Hitch and 3 pt on 1966 model 706

    As far as I know my 706 uses whats called a "Fast Hitch" setup to attach rear accessories. Specifically, I want to attach a box blade for leveling uneven ground and smoothing out areas where there were formerly ditches that have been filled in but left very uneven over areas approximately 50 x...
  9. F

    Front Loader on 706

    Thanks caterpillar guy. I couldn't wrap my head around how I was supposed to get the sockets back on the pins if the loader was sunk down into the sand. I'll give that a try. As the loader sits now, sunk into the sand, it's a bit of a mess. It sat for a year and that allowed it to sink...
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    Front Loader on 706

    I really apologize if I am not grasping this. So is this to confirm that it makes no difference if the stands are buried deep into the sand? Because without connecting the hydraulics I can manually extend the cylinders fully, and get them to remain in that position, but the sockets are still 4...
  11. F

    Front Loader on 706

    Thank you Roger. I have not yet installed all my new hoses. I need to do some other maintenance on the loader. I can raise the hooks fully, manually but the problem is that over time, the support legs have sunk into the dirt about 4 inches, making it impossible to get alignment. If it had...
  12. F

    Front Loader on 706

    Needing to re-install my front loader on my 706. Do I necessarily need a 2nd tractor to do this? The loader is sitting too low to drive under the bar and hooks
  13. F

    Any paint experts here? How much rust needs to be removed from...

    Thanks. Clear coat is completely gone (has been for 5 years give or take) Base coat is mostly gone (80% ish) Primer coat still mostly there (absorbing moisture) Crowsfeet throughout the remaining base coat and primer coats Rust Freckles on 40% of the roof bare metal. No deep rust. I'm using...
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    Any paint experts here? How much rust needs to be removed from...

    Hey guys, If you are an experienced paint and body work pro..... When working on a panel where the top coat has been compromised as well as the prime coat and you have a situation where you have rust "freckles" on the steel panel but those freckles of rust are not deep (very superficial, as in...
  15. F

    Farmall 706 Dash Console photos

    Thanks BC. with your link I was able to determine this......
  16. F

    Farmall 706 Dash Console photos

    Hello, Now that my 706 is working, I'd like to complete the dash console. What I mean is, nearly all the buttons and switches were gone when I got it. All that's left is the ignition switch and starter button plus the PTO dial guage on the Left and the Temp / Fuel gauge on the right. The temp...
  17. F

    706 Oil Pressure Warning Light

    Hey guys, 1966 IH Farmall 706 Gas The Oil Pressure Warning Light Assembly is missing from the dash console. Do I need to buy the specific one for this model or will a generic warning light assembly work? Would this work? (Amazon) If I have to get the specific one for...
  18. F

    International 1256 Clutch adjustment help!

    I wonder if the adjustments TV talks about here for the 1256 are the exact same as for the 706 ? Old thread (but the info is still good, right?)
  19. F

    706 Power Steering Hand Pump Removal

    Cant see how it would hurt to have a set on hand. I work on so many things, but until now, rarely hydraulics. Do these seem good for the job? (It's an Amazon SHARE PRODUCT link.) A quick look seemed to suggest the Snap on sets were into the thousands of dollars vs $144 for the Capri set...

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