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  1. P

    F2 thresher beater

    Thank you. That helps immensely I put a spike cylinder in to pull pea vines thru. Wondered if the thresher beater would come out if the the tailings cross auger was removed. Wish I had a service manual.
  2. P

    F2 thresher beater

    The roar I heard before probably wasnt the variable speed for the pulley. Bearing was out on the thresher beater shaft right next to variable. Replaced that and found the beater wouldn't turn freely. Looked closer and have a chunk out of the end piece of the thresher beater. It's going to have...
  3. P

    F2 variable speed for cylinder

    Had a roar in the variable for the cylinder speed. I wont tell all that it could be, other than it wasn't put together like the parts book shows. 9 on the pic is a shield that goes between the bearing race and the snap ring. What is the purpose of this shield and is it really necessary?
  4. P

    versatile 400 swather-hydraulic oil filter

    Called dealers here in Oklahoma, after wore gave me the part number. First one could order, but had to buy six. Told him i'd take two, but he'd never sell the other four. Was gonna take napa several days to get one in. Just decided I'd call ND and Williston had them and are shipping.
  5. P

    versatile 400 swather-hydraulic oil filter

    I did miss that post. Thank you for pointing it out. And thank you for the part number
  6. P

    versatile 400 swather-hydraulic oil filter

    Just got to pulling the hydraulic oil filter on the swather. Believe Id rather have a filter that's better than this. Dont see a number on it anywhere. The serial number plate says a 1977 model. Used the locator on website Jim suggested, and Parallel Ag knows nothing. Can anyone help me with this?
  7. P

    Brake bands on Versatile 400 swather

    Who handles Versatile parts now? I want to change the hydraulic oil filter, but would like to have one on hand. Swather says a 1977, not a spin-on filter. Any ideas?
  8. P

    Brake bands on Versatile 400 swather

    First, I didn't realize that I'd posted so many questions on here over the years. Bought another 400 and used a swather trailer that carried entire machine. Nearly killed me getting it off. Think the brake bands were hanging up or at least one was causing it to spin around. Does anyone use that...
  9. P

    F2 Gleaner seat

    I want to get my seat recovered before October harvest, but having a heck-of-a-time trying to figure out how to get the cushion/seat off. Its considered a Deluxe seat in the parts book. I doubt the thing has ever been moved, because I thought I could slide the seat forward to get at some bolts...
  10. P

    Thank you YT contributors - 2705

    You might not realize when your input comes in handy. Maybe more than 10 years later. Seals needed to be replaced in the 3-point cylinders on my MF 2705. Couldn't figure out how to get it apart. Did a search and found it. Mine is the snap ring...
  11. P

    F2 Gleaner grease zerks

    On the separator clutch side, the variable speed sheeve (for cylinder speed) has a grease zerk behind the sprocket. Does that one grease all the bearings for that variable? Cant feel one on the back sheeve to grease that bearing, and there isnt much room anyway.
  12. P

    Clipper 27 cleaner

    Wasn't sure where to post this to ask. I have a Clipper 27 cleaner. AT Ferrell has no information. Its not got any oil cups with spring lid on the main shaft flange bearings. Old downloaded manual shows part # F924 11031 Saw a friends 27 yesterday his has the oil cups. I've used a pick and...
  13. P

    Clipper 27 cleaner

    The bushing was turned in the housing. Hole was full of gunk. Didn't seem to find any threads, so I'm assuming that oil cup just drives in. I'm doing this without removing the shaft. That will probably be a fairly major undertaking when I do it. So for now, any suggestions on how to keep the...
  14. P

    Gleaner floating header wobble bolt

    I pulled the sickle several months ago. Bearing was completely gone and bolt connecting the wobble box was in bad shape. Have this other one. Tried to configure shims/washers like they came off. Thought I'd ask before trying it. Looks like nearly 1/2 inch between the sickle and bottom of...
  15. P

    Gleaner F2 flashing amber warning lights

    Farming north of Dallas. And people are always in a hurry. I need to do something about amber warning flashers. Was thinking about LEDs. Has anyone else done it? Said I might need a different relay to operate those. Dont even know if I have a relay now, though I assume I do, somewhere.
  16. P

    9N two-speed transmission

    How common were the two-speed transmissions on the 9N
  17. P

    Couple of F2 questions: Chaffer and variable speed

    First the chaffer: Anybody else get stems stuck in between the chaffer and shoe housing, in that gap? I get some in there and it causes material to pile up at the front of the chaffer. I don't see anything in the parts book that indicates a small shield to keep that from happening. Now the...
  18. P

    F2 floating header sickle head

    In case someone else needs it, the part number the dealer gave me for the double roller, sealed bearing in the knife head is 71358958.
  19. P

    F2 floating header sickle head

    Thanks Paul. Mine has the black braces also, and I'm assuming it's a Hart-Carter. Dont know about when either, but my parts book, that has the "CUTTER BAR-FLOATING", says on the front, F2 Series, Prior to Serial No. 65001 and has Oct 1980, Revised Sept 1982
  20. P

    F2 floating header sickle head

    Paul Hope you can tell by my post, that I'm not sure of anything. It does have the left end-piece for the floating head with the wobble box, as opposed to a rigid head end-piece for a pitman drive. I do have a a floating bar from a (thought I've seen it somewhere as a king-kutter ,which I...

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