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  1. E

    Ford Tractor Identification

    Old, you’re a smart man! I let the ATF set there for a week, soaking. Decided today was the day either it would start or I’d rebuild the motor. I had it blow all the ATF out of the cylinders. Put the plugs in and I’ll be, the darn thing started. Runs better than it has all the years I’ve had it...
  2. E

    Ford Tractor Identification

    Thank you used red MN for the reply. I am going to work on it today when I get home. I had a friend who is really good with gas engines come over and we got the carburetor cleaned up. I have really good flow, almost to the point of flooding the carb. I got a new carb needle and seat and the...
  3. E

    Ford Tractor Identification

    Tractor not running. Have spark, carburetor adjusted correctly. Has some blow by coming from the oil when it would die. Would run for about 2 minutes then die. Timing is adjusted perfect. I’m wondering if it’s a head gasket. Did a compression test and found 60 psi on 3 of the 4 and 30 psi on #3...
  4. E

    Ford Tractor Identification

    My bad. Sounds like an 800 series hence the 841. I really appreciate the info. Thank you both for the information and the link.
  5. E

    Ford Tractor Identification

    I appreciate your quick reply. Yes it has a longer number: 11633. Since it’s a model 841 this would be an 8n tractor. Sorry for the stupid question. I just want to make sure I understand. Thanks again.
  6. E

    Ford Tractor Identification

    I have had this tractor for a few years and never had any problems with it. Now that a few things are going bad I feel the need to at least identify what model of tractor it is. I have attached a few pictures. There is a stamped “841” on the flat spot next to the starter. I know it’s a Ford...

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