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  1. F

    2n steel wheel needs

    But do you have anything useful to post? I need
  2. F

    2n steel wheel needs

    They originally come on a 2n...I have on a 20 Ferguson now. Either way...same wheel as pic.
  3. F

    2n steel wheel needs

    Because they are the exact wheels I'm using.... doesn't matter what kinda tractor I'm putting them on does it? I'm looking for some cleats to replace broken or lost ones. You any help or just mouthy?
  4. F

    2n steel wheel needs

    It's the exact same wheels. I'm showing what I'm looking for.
  5. F

    2n steel wheel needs

    That pic is for attn.. but I have them on my ferg 20
  6. F

    2n steel wheel needs

    I have a set..but missing a few cleats. Anyone have any extra they'd sell or know where I can purchase?

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