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  1. I

    multi power problems

    My tractor seems to have trouble deciding whether to be in high range or low range. When in high range, it speeds up and slows down by itself. Sometimes the trans will hold the tractor back and sometimes it free wheels. It does better at holding back when I've got it revved up to around 15...
  2. I

    clutch adjustment problems maybe?

    On my first day on my new "used 165", I was subsoiling and noticed that when I got to the end of the row, the tractor won't come out of gear. I would have to re-engage the clutch and pull up a little then almost at the same time, depress the clutch and shove it out of gear almost before it...
  3. I

    165 Fuel Gauge not working - sender or gauge bad?

    Hey ya"ll, I"m new at this so bear with an new tractor owner. My 165 has 2 of the wires going to the regulator cut and repositioned to others. Im not sure if the 1970 had a generator or alternator but mine has an alternator now. The only gauge that doesn"t work is the fuel gauge and it"s the...

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