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  1. K

    MF1105 shift decal

    Thanks for the help. Neighbor and I got a rag out and cleaned the area around the shifter and found it the old decal was showing enough to get him started and he's competent enough that he'll have it learned right away. I'll keep these links for future use, thanks again.
  2. K

    MF1105 shift decal

    neighbors barn burned two nights ago and he lost all equipment and tractors, gonna lend him my 1105 for the winter so he can feed hay. I'd like to put a fresh shift pattern decal on it to make is life easier but my search skills are poor and I can't find one on the internet. Can anyone...
  3. K

    Got me stumped

    This is the mounting point for the driven end of the cable, mounts under the injection pump.
  4. K

    Got me stumped

    Thanks for the replys. When testing in the tractor Im just setting it loose in the hole in the dash, havent used the hold down bracket yet. My thought was if it works loose on the bench with a drill it should work loose in the dash. I should try mounting it in the dash just to try and see...
  5. K

    Got me stumped

    Here goes. MF 1105, 6cylinder 354, last year tach stopped working properly. Needle would climb all the way to the right as as far as it would go and stay there. I checked cable and both ends were square and it was turning strongly. Figured tach was bad so ordered a new one. Put it in...
  6. K

    MF1105 tach help

    I haven't replaced anything but the tach, I guess my next step is to replace the cable.
  7. K

    MF1105 tach help

    I replaced the tachometer on my 1105 a bunch of year ago and put about 1500 hours on it since then. It quit working properly last year, wouldn't show proper rpm, it would up to about 1100 then not go much further. Then after a little while it would just slowly go all the way to the right...
  8. K

    MF 1105 tach problems

    Tach on my MF1105 recently stopped working properly and now doesn't work at all. needle spins all the way to the right and stays there. I checked the cable and it is spinning with enough force that I can't stop it with my fingers and the end seems squared off. There is a brass end sticking...
  9. K

    no hay here

    This is looking like it is gonna be the latest season ever for starting to cut hay here. I am in North Central Kentucky. Rain, Rain, Rain and more on the way. How are your hay seasons starting?
  10. K

    Power steering reservoir

    I wish to remove the power steering reservoir on my ford 3600. There is, I believe, a water temp sender in the way. If I remove the sender will all the coolant drain and how does one go about removing the sender? Vice grips? Gonna try and post a pic
  11. K

    Anyone preg check their cattle?

    I personally do not do it but absolutely have the vet come out and "arm" them with his ultrasound. I lease bulls and run them from late May until I can get them shipped in August. I then have the vet come out in mid Oct/early Nov. I get very accurate results and any open cows get traded in.
  12. K

    4610 brakes help

    Thanks for the ideas. I do have a service manual and I'm sure I have it assembled in the correct order. The springs are back in the actuators and the balls are all in the their detents. The actuator is extactly true all the way around, 1.45" ( i think, I'm at home and my measurements are...
  13. K

    4610 brakes help

    Pretty embarrassed here, because this doesn't make sense to me and it is probably something very apparent that I am missing. Here is the problem. I took off the left axel assembly to replace the brake discs. The left side makes some weird noises under heavy braking so I figured I would dig...
  14. K

    Axel assembly removal, 4610

    gotcha, will take it back apart tomorrow and lube it up. Thanks for your help.
  15. K

    Axel assembly removal, 4610

    i did not oil. Should there be such direct contact though?
  16. K

    Axel assembly removal, 4610

    i got the assembly off, replaced the 3 brake discs and have the axel assembly back together. It is sitting on the wheel end vertically. Should the axel assembly housing be able to turn around the axel at this point. It seems like if the weight is on the wheel hub and it stays still the...
  17. K

    Axel assembly removal, 4610

    Does it matter if the transmission is in gear or not?
  18. K

    Axel assembly removal, 4610

    So I've gotten this far and the assembly doesn't seem to want to slide out any further It appears that the differential ring gear is coming with it, is something in the diff lock linkage that I need to release to get the axel assembly removed? Thanks for any help. I can't seem to get my...
  19. K

    4610 re-use hydraulic fluid

    See the only way to learn is by doing, so that is what I'm gonna do. Since I asked the question I have drained the fluid and it doesn't look so good so I guess it's out
  20. K

    4610 re-use hydraulic fluid

    I'm about to replace the brake discs on my 4610. Is there any reason why I can't re-use the 12 gallons of hydraulic fluid in the rear end? Thanks

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