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  1. L

    Key switch wiring for Diesel with heater, and safety switch.

    UPDATE I got it going I appreciate all the help gentleman! I learned a lot, best I can tell this intake sensor was somehow shorting me out with the nicked wire underneath the fuel tank hood.. Can anyone tell me what the function of this is, it is wired to a light, light and wiring is good...
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    Key switch wiring for Diesel with heater, and safety switch.

    Do you think it is worth pulling the starter and solenoid and testing it out on the bench to ensure it's working correctly, could an internal failure be causing the strange issues?
  3. L

    Key switch wiring for Diesel with heater, and safety switch.

    I do have a test light, that might be a better option to trace back through it. I'll wire it all back up tomorrow and report in.
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    Key switch wiring for Diesel with heater, and safety switch.

    Here is what my starter looks like also what I have been able to trace out. The thermostat sensor, traces to a green wire with blade connector that connects to the instrument cluster directly. Intake heater by the manifold directly runs to the key switch. From key switch, 1 wire sends power...
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    Key switch wiring for Diesel with heater, and safety switch.

    Update wondering if I might have a ground issue. With my volt meter I get continuity between the neutral safety and the starter solenoid like we would expect (wires crossed for testing). However from the key switch side I'm getting continuity from the wire to temp sensor, and it also shows...
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    Key switch wiring for Diesel with heater, and safety switch.

    Thank you sir very much appreciated!
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    Key switch wiring for Diesel with heater, and safety switch.

    Thank you that makes sense I was just using my continuity tester to trace wires with the neutral safety wires crossed that makes sense how that all ties in.
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    Key switch wiring for Diesel with heater, and safety switch.

    Thanks Shaun I appreciate it going to get a chance to work on this today. Will report back in how it goes, I need to pull the instrument panel and trace out where my power is coming from but based on what you are saying it wouldn't I still need the starter solenoid power off one of those?
  9. L

    Key switch wiring for Diesel with heater, and safety switch.

    Hello everyone, continuing to work on my ford 3600 3 cyl diesel chasing out some electrical issues and replacing some wiring. I need to wire in a new switch and my old switch when going to turn the starter over would just drop voltage and not engage the starter ( I would loose all power even at...
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    Education - Draft Control vs Position Control

    I appreciate the information guys! Not doing a lot of plowing now adays some new ground we want to convert I might rip with a spring tooth plow. No original stickers on the tractor but I had some ideas on it you guys confirmed for me.
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    Education - Draft Control vs Position Control

    Hello folks, appreciate some education. We've had a Ford 3600 in the family my whole life, also been on many older N, farmalls and Masseys. To be honest I've never really thought about it, run some basic implements for home farming, food plots etc... But what is really the proper way or...
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    Ford 3600, key switch or coil troubleshooting and Education

    Update for everyone....It was the battery AC Delco 4DLT, had some age on it but started fine the day before and volt meter was showing a charge. Goes to show should always start with the simple stuff 1st. At least it made me learn a few things and put on new cables that I have been putting...
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    Ford 3600, key switch or coil troubleshooting and Education

    Yes has one of the 4DLT batteries.
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    Ford 3600, key switch or coil troubleshooting and Education

    Well I think you are on to something. I guess I didn't test the battery beyond a charge after making new cables. I did a charge on it this evening and getting 12.6v, Turning the key to run I drop to 9.x volts, and I drop to 3.6v when turning the key to engage the starter. Sounds like the...
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    Ford 3600, key switch or coil troubleshooting and Education

    Appreciate the help folks. I'll keep troubleshooting and let you know.
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    Ford 3600, key switch or coil troubleshooting and Education

    12.6v, also put jumpers on it to from my truck running I had possibly thought maybe it has a charge but dropped a cell. It's the long diesel battery AC Delco has some age but even yesterday turned over strong. I could pull it and get it tested to be 100% sure but I would have thought it would...
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    Ford 3600, key switch or coil troubleshooting and Education

    Yes I'm probably mixing the terminology up, solenoid sitting on top of the starter. Battery positive wire to the solenoid, and the hot/main fuse link goes to the key switch from the same terminal.
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    Ford 3600, key switch or coil troubleshooting and Education

    Hello everyone need some education please. Ford 3600 that was running great yesterday, went to run the tractor today and it turned over once and then almost like a fuse pop/click and then no engagement of the starter. The battery cables have been on my list to replace to I pulled them, cleaned...
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    Ford 3600 Crank No Start Diesel Help

    I checked everything over decided to use a little ether got it going. Not sure what original cause was if he left fuel line closed or not, guessing had some air in the injection pump still.
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    Ford 3600 Crank No Start Diesel Help

    Hello everyone, really appreciate some help and knowledge here. My grandpa who has mild dementia in his 80s took of on the 3600 and I found it out in the field, I thought he possibly forgot to turn the fuel on but looks like I have bigger issue. Like before I thought I would just need to...

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