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  1. 7


    none here. we had some snow don't remember was gone he next day ground has not froze been getting some rain going in the ground as dry as summer was we need water for 2024.
  2. 7

    Farming in 2050 ?

    if the greenes have there way farming will be done with horses
  3. 7

    ? about ebay

    almost ever day I get e-mail saying my bank account has been froze.
  4. 7

    58 years ago ...I picked up my 1966 Impala SS

    summer of 70 i bought a 1969 ss 396 chevelle 325 4 speed bench front seat less than 10000 miles. it was dealer spec car. the guy that had it wife had twins they already had 1 child not room for all of them. a jerk from home wanted know what are YOU going to do with it I told dumb ax drive it.
  5. 7

    What i need,want, you tell me.

    put the money in your pocket and go out on the town
  6. 7

    Your next tractor at Muscoda, Tom

    what is it? is kind of cute. looks like something like center plate could use
  7. 7

    Totally lost on a good hand held posthole Auger...

    I had one of those BLASTED things it didn't take long to take it to first consignment sale. We Tall Kid and me didn't finish the job with it either. Quick trip to Farm n Fleet for one on 3 point hitch on back of Massey triple 3
  8. 7

    Way off topic. Esophageal cancer journey updates

    Thank you God prayers sent for you. Where would we be without God?
  9. 7

    off topic prayers needed

    Bruce is the man that got kicked out of him. I am not clear on who did what I think Bruce was able 911 all I know this a bad mess. What how he will recover I have no idea. I think I need to read what I posted I am very upset about this. For a person to hurt someone else this bad is nuts .
  10. 7

    off topic prayers needed

    a member of our local Lions club got a severe beating last week. someone had stopped on his road Bruce being the guy he is stopped to see if person was having trouble Bruce was getting out of his truck when his foot slipped and he fell when the first person found out who Bruce is he went crazy...
  11. 7

    Wonder if wifey will be impressed

    local auctioneer will say if he is bidding for himself. friend talked he went to cow sale he got the idea he was bidding against himself so he quit bidding. auctioneer said i lost my bid ware was I? auctioneer what was last bid he said what was last bid Carl said that was my bid auctioneer said...
  12. 7

    Bull charges

    on any given day they All can be mean Do Not turn your back on any of them.
  13. 7

    Trick Then Treat

    my Grandma gordon told kids they had to sing first most them never came back the next year
  14. 7

    Winters Here

    a niece is getting Saturday in some kind of a shelter house might be snowing Il Wis state line.
  15. 7

    Personal items at auction

    I know what you are talking about Mrs 730 got a bunch of family pictures. Her mom didn't know who most of the people were some of them she thought she might have an idea but wasn't sure. After Mrs 730 passed away i got them what to do with them burn them I guess?
  16. 7

    First Puzzle attempt round barn rafters

    that barn is a goner crime not to have done something 20 years ago.
  17. 7

    Who is going to fix things when we are gone?

    former b-i-l who thought everyone was dumber than once was running his mouth place would all apart if HE didn't work there. One day he came home early my sister asked him why way are here I got fired. His smart alack ideas got back to business owner boss said I can do without him,
  18. 7

    Dirtiest job on the farm

    silo chute has be one of worst. cleaning combine after soybean harvest
  19. 7

    battery exploded ?????

    i know a guy that will touch jumper cables together after he contacts cables to battery he is jumping from sometimes he gets a big spark some day he going to blow up a battery
  20. 7

    2023.09.29 Abandoned Barn

    I hate to see old barns left like that, a gallon ofgas and match will put barn out it's misery

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