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  1. L

    PTO suddenly grinding

    I did read something about the rear lever on side of the transmission getting loose or worn. I have to look more closely at that. I can see how if it has too much slop the pedal would not separate the cluth plate.
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    PTO suddenly grinding

    I was thinking the same thing, how could it stick overnight,I had just mowed the day before. We did have heavy rain that night though. I just hope the clutch is not worn, I replaced it about 6 years ago and it was a nightmare since I have a loader installed.
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    PTO suddenly grinding

    I mowed day before yesterday and all was fine with PTO. Yesterday I tried to mow and pto grinds when engaging. With lever engaged and clutch pushed in the bushhog keeps turning. Adjusted clutch free play to 1 inch and no luck (single hole adjuster, two stage clutch). Does this mean clutch disc...
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    Need the gasket in front of CAV pump

    Thank you Check ,PN is a big plus. Dealer is up the road, will buy gasket there
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    Need the gasket in front of CAV pump

    Diesel 3000, need the gasket for the cover plate in front of injector pump by radiator hose. Only see it in full engine gasket sets
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    Diesel 3000 CAV pump leaking

    Good advice Eman, I think I'll change all seals
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    Diesel 3000 CAV pump leaking

    Thanks everyone, appreciate the help
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    Diesel 3000 CAV pump leaking

    Got some leaks in the top cover at the shafts. Youtube video said its okay to just fix the top cover leaks without removing pump. Tractor starts and runs great. Thoughts? Recommended place for seals? This post was edited by Laneman on 12/11/2022 at 07:21 am.
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    Foot got pulled into rear wheel

    That was my other idea, install some kind of foot guard to keep my foot out. I bought my 730 loader used, no guard was present.
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    Foot got pulled into rear wheel

    Hey folks, today my right foot got pulled between the loader frame and tire. It was a close call, nothing broken but it could have been bad. The 730 loader frame narrows the space between tire and footrest and creates a trapping hazard. I think I can reposition the wheels so there is more space.
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    74 diesel 3000 solenoid clicks, no crank

    Thanks everyone, it was just dirty connections like you all said. I cleaned all terminals, made 'em bright and tight and it fired right up.
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    74 diesel 3000 solenoid clicks, no crank

    Can the solenoid be replaced without removing starter?
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    74 diesel 3000 solenoid clicks, no crank

    Checked while cables connected and key turned to start. Neutral switch disabled. Will try cleaning cables, but I think it's the solenoid. It started fine, used it 10 minutes, now it won't crank. Not even clicking but battery still at 12.8.
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    74 diesel 3000 solenoid clicks, no crank

    Can the solenoid be cleaned on the tractor? Looks like I have to remove the starter to get it off
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    74 diesel 3000 solenoid clicks, no crank

    It was 12.8 with wire connected, measured at terminal threads
  16. L

    74 diesel 3000 solenoid clicks, no crank

    So I think it's the solenoid but want to make sure. 12.8 volts going into solenoid at terminal, 0 volts at other solenoid terminal just on other side of plastic divider when cranking. Any advice appreciated. My starter has the solenoid attached to it on top. It looks hard to remove. This post...
  17. L

    730 loader hose leaks at swivel fitting

    Yes, I want this to be done first time without leaks and to be safe but not overly expensive. The local hose shop charges around $80 per hose. Some hose pros on youtube said don't buy hoses at Tractor Supply, because they are prone to blow outs. I don't know what pressure rating I need for this...
  18. L

    730 loader hose leaks at swivel fitting

    Hey folks, my bucket tilt hoses are leaking at the fittings. Any repair tips appreciated. Can they be repaired or do I need new hoses? Any advice on undoing the pipe fitting end of hose and ensuring a leak free connection when done? [/img:0e346d86a0]
  19. L

    Engine knock Diesel 3000

    Thanks everyone for the replies. I don't have a working oil light, will have to hook up a temporary gauge. I was thinking the 10w40 would be a way to reduce the knock but wanted to stick with what the manual recommended. Will try the 10w40 next oil change. Anyone know what the oil pressure...
  20. L

    Engine knock Diesel 3000

    Hey Folks, My diesel 3000 sometimes knocks pretty loud, could use some help from the forum. It only does it at certain times, usually after working it hard and when at idle. The knock goes away at higher rpm's. Using fresh Rotella diesel engine oil 10W-30. Do I have an actual rod knock or...

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