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  1. J

    Case VAC Pulley Parts

    Can you send a message with price and pics? This post was edited by jwitty on 08/15/2022 at 11:36 am.
  2. J

    Case VAC Pulley Parts

    I have the hydraulic pump
  3. J

    Case VAC Pulley Parts

    I don't understand your have one to sell?
  4. J

    Case VAC Pulley Parts

    Had some time to remove the pulley assembly from my VAC to find out why the shaft wasn't turning. Found there was no gear on the assembly. Anyone have part numbers/locate the driven gear and the outer bearing and seal for the assembly?
  5. J

    1948 Case VAC

    Ok got the front cover off. Yep the governor is severely worn. If I hold the gov still (part that connects to carb), I can move the little L shaped bracket around .25 inches. Also looks like that little L shaped piece, and the dishes of the gov has quite a bit of wear. Hopefully some parts are...
  6. J

    1948 Case VAC

    Joe, I did look over all that and made sure everything was lubricated. I noticed a lot of wear on the gov shaft (1/8 inch or better). Trying to take the crank nut and pulley off but cannot get the nut free. Any tricks to get these off this tractor? I can tell I wont be able to use a socket and...
  7. J

    1948 Case VAC

    Ill have to look at that later. Just rebuilt carb and adjusted gov rod how Ive seen in manual as well as other posts. Governor has no response that I can tell. I had hand throttle wide open, then adjusted rod until the carb plate was wide open. Just seems more throttle input makes it keep going...
  8. J

    1948 Case VAC

    Thanks for the parts manual. That should help a lot. The pulley (well pulley shaft, there is no pulley) is not turning. Engine running, out of gear, clutch not depressed, wont spin at all. I was able to spin the nut by hand with a wrench and the hydraulics worked. Weirdly enough it seemed in...
  9. J

    1948 Case VAC

    Hi guys Picked up a case vac today. Trying to get the pulley working. It does have the hydraulics on it as well. For some reason the shaft is spinning and is not attached to the engine. Am I missing something? I looked and found ones without the hydraulics you can slide the pulley in or out...
  10. J

    90s ride king

    Just picked up an early 90s ride king. Runs and mows great. Just had some questions. Is there a brake on it or do you just fred flint stone it to stop. Also it likes to creep forward when clutch is not engaged. If someone has a pic of the pulleys and stuff under the hood that would probably...
  11. J

    Can't get 1953 Super A to charge

    The stuff in the connector is probably just dielectric grease. Are you getting power to the #1 wire when switch is on?
  12. J

    Can't get 1953 Super A to charge

    Bob is right. Where are you measuring voltage? If you haven't been try it at the alt. I don't really like this test but remove the negative battery cable while it's running and see if it continues to charge. Don't do it for to long because that will max out the alt I believe.
  13. J

    Accuracy of temp gauges?

    Those indian gauges your talking about...if it's on eBay I'd stay away from him. If you look at the reviews, at first glance they look amazing, until you see that 95% of the reviews are the same person lol. I tend to stay away from them because more likely a scammer selling crap stuff and no...
  14. J

    Can't get 1953 Super A to charge

    Since you have a butt connector there by the alt for the #1, cut it off and touch the #1 wire to pos of the alternator and see if you charge
  15. J

    Can't get 1953 Super A to charge

    If you mean you have an led on the wire going from ig. switch to #1 on alternator that might be your problem. Try taking the led light out of the circuit and see what happens
  16. J

    Can't get 1953 Super A to charge

    You say new gauges...well i just put a new chevy 3 wire alternator on my jd b and new amp gauge. I was having charging problems at first (no charge) and nothing showing on amp gauge, so for fun I switched the wires on the amp gauge and it started charging at 14ish volts. But the gauge read...
  17. J

    Farmers in Iowa

    Well....a dynamometer isn't as fun as plowing. Or at least I don't think so. I've also been thinking about getting a pto run out clutch or whatever they're called and hook it to my uncle's 24t baler and see what it does.
  18. J

    Farmers in Iowa

    Would there be a farmer here that lives in Iowa (cedar falls/waterloo area) that would let me try plowing up a little bit of land in spring with my jd b to try it out and see how she runs with an actual load on it. If you'd like email me at [email protected]. Thanks!
  19. J

    Slight misfire problem?

    Not really. It burns a little oil when cold but when warm usually it's just black if anything. Like I said the cap is in pretty rough shape. I don't think anything major is wrong with engine because oil has stayed full and has plenty of compression and power.
  20. J

    Slight misfire problem?

    Well I took both plugs out, one had just a little bit of black, nothing horrible. The other one was just covered in carbon and crap. Took cap off and one lug (the one on the bad plug) is extreamly worn compared to other side. Must need a new cap

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