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  1. K

    Massey 1135 fuel getting airated

    Thanks for the help, the orfice for the air bleed was plugged, works like a charm now Peter
  2. K

    Massey 1135 fuel getting airated

    I have lots of fuel, the problem is after a bit it gets airated. Now if I take this line off, should there be something coming out of it when I have it running?
  3. K

    Massey 1135 fuel getting airated

    74 massey 1135. Quit the other day just a bit after starting, has lots of fuel, thought maybe the pickup so put a 3/8 hose into the tank and ran to lift pump, will idle about 15 minutes before it starts to be all over the place on rpms. Trying to use it will last about 5 mins if you don't get...
  4. K

    1135 Hydraulics

    I have a 1974 massey 1135, it only has 2 hydraulics on it and i would like to add one for grapple fork on loader. currently I am using an open center 2 spool block plugged into one of the hydraulics to split it to 2. What would be the easiest way to do that, is there a way to plump in an open...

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