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  1. M

    help identify these tires and wheels

    How much for one. I need the one where the tire seats I suppose that is the one that usually rusts away. Thanks
  2. M

    help identify these tires and wheels

    here is a full picture of the wheels on the possible trade tractor. They dish in and mine dish out.
  3. M

    help identify these tires and wheels

    I did find the tire size. 13.6 x 26. I think the best thing I could do is find a used wheel for mine. He said one of his wont hold air and looks like the wheel has some welding done on it. Might be in the same boat as now if I try to use the 13.6 x 26 wheels. I have heard that you can go to...
  4. M

    help identify these tires and wheels

    I have a 1940 9n. Runs great, put a new tire on last year, this winter the other rear went bad. Tried to get it loose from the center wheel by loosening the bolts still wouldnt come loose. But I did notice that just under the lip it is badly rusted and seperated rusted all the way through all...
  5. M

    rear wheels and tires

    Can someone give me some advise on my 1940 9n. I need help to identify what type wheels on my ford and where I can get parts or what is the most sensible approach to getting my tractor fixed. I put a new tire on last year I probably would have changed both of them but could not get one of the...
  6. M

    steering post nuts

    yes I need the steering post nuts and a lock washer that goes between them. thanks for trying guys.
  7. M

    steering post nuts

    Hello, I am looking for a source to buy 2 of the 13/16ths by 28 thread steering post nuts and lock washer for a 9n. If anyone has any for sale or knows where I can buy them I would appreciate it. thanks.
  8. M

    steering shaft rebuild

    I went ahead and machined the shaft to get the inner bearing races on the shaft but still have no lead as to where to get 2 13/16ths x 28 nuts to make it work as intended I am going to post a thread just for them. thanks all who read my post
  9. M

    steering shaft rebuild

    My 9n steering shaft and bearings, and sectors were shot. So badly rusted was the steering wheel to the shaft I had to cut it off. Nothing would come apart. I got a combination of used sectors a new shaft and bearings. I have a question about the location of parts going back together. Ive read...

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