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  1. O


    Thanks for all the help. Now i have another question. I put in a new coil with an internal resistor, and an new 12V battery. When i go to start the tractor up, it won't start, plus the battery cable on the negative terminal connected to the tractor frame starts to smoke and get really hot. My...
  2. O

    allis wd

    Thanks for all the help. Now i have another question. I put in a new coil with an internal resistor, and an new 12V battery. When i go to start the tractor up, it won't start, plus the battery cable on the negative terminal connected to the tractor frame starts to smoke and get really hot...
  3. O

    allis wd

    I converted my allis WD from 6V to 12V. I think I burnt up my coil because i didn"t get one with and internal resistor. I orderd one with and internla resister, but now i am thinking on spending the money for an electronic ignition. Anyone know if it is really better, and how tough would it be...

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