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    550 Clutch Safety Switch

    My tractor never had the rod, but I have considered making one. My switch is also bypassed. Your switch should have a little plunger on it that pushes in. In my photo the small bolt holds the plunger in, the switch still functions if I remove the bolt. I think the small bracket with the bolt in...
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    Oliver 550 front axle pin

    Mine came out pretty easily because the pin and axle were badly worn. Ordered a new pin from Agco dealer and had the axle bored and bushing installed. I think hole was a 4+ degree angle. Good Luck
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    550 Brakes

    Take the cover off to check, simple mechanism inside. Probably a broken spring or linkage on the threaded rod clevis. Mine was broken on the clevis last year and binding, I was able to repair it. I like to take the back wheel off so I have more room to work on it. Good Luck
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    Fluid Change Super 55

    Congrats on the new purchase. The owners manual will cover all the regular maintenance and has good pictures. I have a 1973 Oliver 550, but maint. items should be the same. - Engine oil - Capacity 4 qts, I use 10W-30, filter right side of engine. - Transmission - The 3 drain plugs under the...
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    Oliver Super 55 fluids change help needed

    Congrats on the new purchase. Order an owners manual as it will cover all the regular maintenance. I have a 1973 Oliver 550, but maint. items should be the same. - Engine oil - Capacity 4 qts, I use 10W-30, filter right side of engine. - Transmission - The 3 drain plugs under the tractor...
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    Cockshutt (Oliver) 550

    Wow, looks great! I know how much work, time and money it takes to get one looking like that. Enjoy it. SW3
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    Lost oil pressure yesterday.

    Here are a few photos from the Oliver Shop manual discussing low oil pressure and the relief valve. Note the difference between this manual and the I&T manual (Photo posted by TD3) I own both manuals. I&T is more of an overview. Good Luck!
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    550 hydraulic oil specs

    I used mine for many years as is, chasing down leaks and fixing things here and there. Finally took it out-of-service one summer and did a full rebuild and paint. Glad I did as it it a joy to use, but you'll put more into it than it is worth during the process. Great little tractors.
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    550 hydraulic oil specs

    I've use universal trans/hyd for 15 years with no issues. Enjoy the tractor.
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    550 hydraulic pump

    Mine gets hot also, too hot to touch. Yesterday I used the Brush hog for an hour in 90 degree weather. Measured the filter temp with a laser thermometer and it was 130 degrees. It has always concerned me too, but I don't use it for hours on end. I think your OK. Enjoy the new tractor.
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    Oliver 550 Tranny Spanner Nut

    Do a Google search for hook spanner wrench or shock spanner wrench. They are 'C' shaped with a hook on them and I bet they would work. I use to adjust the spanner nut on coil-over springs on atv/snowmobile shocks. Good Luck.
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    Oliver 550 steering cylinders

    I also wonder if Jackson Power steering could provide cylinders? Untitled URL Link
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    Oliver 550 steering cylinders

    I don't know the answer, but included a link that I remembered reading. Let us know what you come up with. Untitled URL Link
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    550, what's this thing?

    When I rebuilt my 550 I noticed that the buzzer had been removed. I bought another one from my local Oreilly auto parts - brand: Cole Hersee, part# 4099, $15. It buzzes when you turn the key on and is loud enough to hear with the engine running. When I idle my tractor down very low the light...
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    Jackson Power Steering make new kits.
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    Oliver 550 complet seat assembly

    I have never dealt with him, but Kent Gordon in Texas has lots of used 55/550 parts. Phone 903-729-8349, e-mail is [email protected]. Might have some of what you're looking for in used parts. Good Luck! Here's some inspiration as to what it can look like when finished. My 2014 restoration...
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    550 oliver wireing harnas

    Call Korves Oliver 618-939-6681. They will have everything you mentioned. I used them a bunch when I did my restore, they are great to deal with. Good Luck
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    550 front axle

    There is no bushing in there, but it shouldn't have that much play. I put a new axle pivot pin in mine and had the axle machined and a bushing installed. The hole is at about a 4 degree angle. It really tightened things up. See link below from my 2013 fix. SW3 Untitled URL Link
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    How To Video on PTO Seal Kit for Oliver 550 55

    GREAT VIDEO, very helpful. I have always wondered about how everything works with the PTO since I have never had to tear into mine. I can see you put some serious time into editing the video for the final product. Thank you...and nice shop! SW3
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    Oliver 550 radiator hoses

    Remove hood, remove grill, remove 5 screws of back side of nose cone that are now visible with hood removed, remove two lower bolts holding sides now visible with grill removed, remove 4 side bolts from sides holding radiator in place, remove air cleaner tube, remove power steering cap, remove...

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