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  1. philipg

    Ford 1520 HST issues

    There was a little sound, but it wasn’t like grinding gears, just engaging. No, haven’t used PTO. It’s really just for my kids and I to use around our houses for moving stuff, cleanup, grading and that type of thing. I have two sons and a daughter and their family living within a mile here in a...
  2. philipg

    Ford 1520 HST issues

    Special thanks to Harry in KY, Used red MN and Red MVa for all your help. I adjusted the clutch and Praise the Lord it runs perfectly. But I sure learned a lot about my tractor. By the way Used red MN, I could put the PTO into gear without pressing the clutch down. What does that info mean to...
  3. philipg

    Ford 1520 HST issues

    I am going to try that in a few min. I am in Idaho, so headed out shortly. Finish removing loader. Just got the dust caps for hydraulics from Amazon.
  4. philipg

    Ford 1520 HST issues

    Thanks Used Red MN. Yes, I finally had figured out where the charge pump was located there in the housing by clutch. I found that the clutch was previously adjusted to tight, so it was like “riding the clutch” scenario. I am quite sure the clutch is worn out now. But I will check it for sure...
  5. philipg

    Ford 1520 HST issues

    Hi, after lots of research, I am believing you might be correct. It is either the clutch or the charge pump located inside that same bell housing. Either way it looks like I have to split the tractor. Do you know anything about rebuilding the charge pump? Thanks
  6. philipg

    Ford 1520 HST issues

    Thanks everyone. PTO works fine. I have clutch pedal play as you stated. I have talked to a hydraulics mechanic and he thinks it is a stuck high pressure relief valve. Next we are going to do the Charge Pump Relief Valve test per Service Manual. *** Also to clarify, the creeping might have been...
  7. philipg

    Ford 1520 HST issues

    I don’t have a lot of experience, but everything I have dealt with on several tractors that I have owned doesn’t seem like that would be it. I have replaced the clutches on a tractor and skid steer. The pedal doesn’t always return so sometimes I have to use the clutch to stop. If it was slipping...
  8. philipg

    Ford 1520 HST issues

    The clutch works good and disengages. Sometimes it creeps so I use the clutch for safety if someone is close to where I am working.
  9. philipg

    Ford 1520 HST issues

    My Ford 1520 started having driving issues. Push on the forward/reverse foot pedal and it would verily move. So changed out filters and that didn’t help much. Has maybe 20-30 hrs on new hydraulic fluid. No foam and is still quite clean. That seemed to help a little, but have to have it at...

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