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    a multi grade oil like 10/40 is what i run but if you have 80 grade hydraulic fluid that's what is recommend but don't mix the two
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    Brush hog deck leans to one side

    Maybe the lift arms are two different length's i know i have done that just to make things work when needed
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    MF 30, 165 Power Steering - how to bleed air out?

    Yes you are correct but what i do is hold the wheel all the way for about 2 seconds than go the other way do the same it may take a few times to get all the out.
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    TO 35 Mowing photos

    looks like you should be baling hay no looks good!
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    6 to 12 volt conversion Starter Motor

    Thanks John i do remember something like that. I did look at my TE starter 6 volt with a nosecone
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    6 to 12 volt conversion Starter Motor

    Bob my TEA starter 12 volt will not fit on my TE the flywheel will not line up to engage the starter no# 2 is the one i have where the Bendix drive turns into the starter On the TE it has the Lucas starer but i don't remember the nosecone if the rain holds off i will take look
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    Ferguson tea20 STARTER MOTOR problems etc HELP!!

    Well the starter is not engaging might be the bendix drive or starter gear)not sure what to call it, on the starter it self has come loose take it off and have a look at your wires sounds like something is grounding out
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    MF202 Backhoe / Loader

    Hello Roger, you don't have to pull axle but here are 2 long bolts that on the front that will give you trouble i don't think it's coming off with the loader on. I'm in the middle of a tear down now on my 202 and i am taking the front end off.
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    TE 20 starter

    They made two kinds of Lucas starters the one for the TEA will not work the TE and TO used the same motor so it should work
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    TO20 Sputters but wont start.

    maybe firing order is wrong but since it sat so long maybe compression is to weak rings will stick might need a little more oil on them
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    Looks like the To series looking at the dogleg fender it's in 2 pieces the TE's where one piece fenders
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    TO 35 quitting problem

    sounds like coil i had a Ford that would shut down after warm up 15 min. or so it's nice to have a spare coil around
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    Standard engine now on the operating table

    Ah you have been busy looks like a good project for those warm summer days with a chilly one soon you'll be the expert on the standard engines
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    T030 stalling

    All three answers are likely to cause the issues your having but check the (brass elbow) the fuel line that threads in your carb. it may have a screen on the end that gets clogged
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    Ferguson TEA20 radiator

    I had similar problems I had to shim it up one side or the other to make it level with rubber shims i made. it may be different for you
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    Continental z134 smoking

    white smoke sounds like head gasket if your lucky
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    M-H/M-F model 50 hub bolt pattern

    the ford rims have the same pattern on the 50 if that answers your question
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    Clutch Adjustment

    I may have made a honest mistake on the clutch shaft i don't think you have a hole for the screwdriver it should be a 11/16 wrench to adjust the clutch
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    Clutch Adjustment

    The first thing to do is check the clutch pedal With pedal all the way up it should hit the foot peg now push it down until you feel it engage the clutch there will be a gap of 3/8" that's from peg to pedal if it needs adjusting loosen bolt on pedal put a screwdriver in clutch shaft until you...
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    starter trouble

    As Inno had said it needs a good ground the bell housing has to be rust free since you are running 6volt it needs all the power it can get. Are the battery cables big enough?

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