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  1. W

    TO-35 Dual Stage Clutch Adjustment

    Mine is a MF35 All info seems to suggest that it s not possible to adjust the clutch fingers through the access aperture underneath once the tractor is assembled. There was no cover on the aperture when I bought the tractor but it does look like the friction plate of the PTO clutch is...
  2. W

    TO-35 Dual Stage Clutch Adjustment

    That?s a very explanatory video. I?m just wondering if the clutch fingers can be adjusted without splitting the tractor?
  3. W

    TO-35 Dual Stage Clutch Adjustment

    This message is a reply to an archived post by JohnUK on October 01, 2012 at 03:22:13. The original subject was "Re: TO35 Dual Stage Clutch Adjustment". I have a similar problem with my 1959 Fergy 35, dual clutch. The gear change works acceptably. The PTO however, can only be engaged either...

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