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  1. W

    Hydraulic fluid recommendations

    I don’t have a manual, also it’s not multi power. I did some research and found it needs 303 but they don’t make that anymore so I don’t know what replaced 303
  2. W

    Hydraulic fluid recommendations

    For a Massey Ferguson 175. What kinda hydraulic fluid would you recommend
  3. W

    236 Loader problems

    Also didn’t see the reply
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    236 Loader problems

    I didn’t see the reply button sorry man
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    236 Loader problems

    That a typo there’s not supposed to be a re in front of done
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    236 Loader problems

    I was talking about those caps
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    236 Loader problems

    redone as in he had to change the disk for my pto they were warped and my pto stayed running constantly. He said while he was in there he changed the pump.
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    236 Loader problems

    Are those filters on that valve for the handles
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    236 Loader problems

    I can’t get him on the phone
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    236 Loader problems

    I got a Massey Furguson 175 I just had some transmission work redone. It needed some clutches on the pto and a pump. I got it back and went to put my loader back on (236) and it’s not acting right. I put it in constant pumping put my lift arm lever all the way back it’ll raise but it’s jumping...
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    Massey Furguson 175 pto wont disengage

    It’s normally just on and off.
  12. W

    Massey Furguson 175 pto wont disengage

    I added pictures maybe it’ll help. Pretty sure it’s independent
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    Massey Furguson 175 pto wont disengage

    I tried taking the side plate off where the pro lever is I couldn’t get it to budge also tried taking the top cover off it also had resistance is there something I need to take off first before removing the covers?
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    Massey Furguson 175 pto wont disengage

    I’m not sure what you mean ground drive
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    Massey Furguson 175 pto wont disengage

    I appreciate all the help fellas I just got time to fool with it. I’ll add pictures as I go.
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    Massey Furguson 175 pto wont disengage

    I have a 2 stage clutch. Is that something where I’d need to split the tractor?
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    Massey Furguson 175 pto wont disengage

    The lever feels pretty much like it always has
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    Massey Furguson 175 pto wont disengage

    I was brush hogging last week, and I had noticed I had a bunch of stuff wrapped around my driveshaft up close to the PTO so I hit the lever to turn the PTO off and it felt like it took a really long time so I just pulled the switch and turn the tractor off. Got off cut off all the stuff that...
  19. W

    Quick attach for a 236 loader

    I got a Massey Furguson 175 with a 236 loader and Im wondering if I can get a quick attach for the loader or what I need to look for, or if its possible

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