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  1. S

    Early model John Deere hay press

    Can anyone tell me for absolute what is the original engine that came on the junior hay press & where I might find this. My father has fullyy restored a JD junior hay press but needs the engine to complete it. I thought I saw one with the one cyl wisconsin , but have read that the waterloo boy...
  2. D

    Painting a Dealers Eagle

    I have it sandblasted, etch primed, seal primed and ready for color. I have the paint and the Heritage Eagle story about painting them the "right" way. Does anyone have detailed pictures of an Eagle painted "the right way"? Thanks DK
  3. C


    Is there any way I can bypass the existing hydraulics lever in the block to something external?How?What kind of common hydro oils can I use safely in that system? Thanks

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