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  1. C

    Mystery fluid continues

    You have water in the oil.. prob from sitting outside and/or condensation.. Drain, flush w/ diesel while you drive it around, cleaning gears etc. Refill w/ correct oil after you fix your seals.
  2. C

    Hydra Power Woes

    You have a Kuhn made for JD mower. FYI Kuhn offered optional high lift skid shoes, reasonably priced 10 yrs ago. You are missing the tail disc that goes on the end. Helped move end material inwards bought 1 ft. Oil: Straight 80-90 is fine. Be sure to measure when cold, been standing...
  3. C

    1550 Transmission knock

    I recently replaced one of the forks on a 1600, went in thru the hole in front of hydraulic unit. Was a tight fit but doable.. You may have other fork broken and can't say for sure what you'd need to do. Any way you will have MUCH more room to work with. FYI, I used a fork off a 2-70...
  4. C

    Hydra Power Woes

    I referred to flushing out the water/cooler side that was stopped up on mine.. This is what then cools the oil. Easy to do..
  5. C

    Hydra Power Woes

    Your early post seems to indicate that heat/cooling may be an issue. I have a comparable tractor, 1650D w/ hydra-power. I'm at least 3rd owner. While doing routine checkup, maintenance etc I found cooler was severely blocked w/ crud. Ran garden hose thru it a while and cleaned good...
  6. C

    Steering hose blew

    Hard as it is to get to these, you might consider replacing them all while you're in there. My personal experience..
  7. C

    1550 and 1555

    Randy is right.. I've had both, 1550 now. Both good light duty tractors. BTW, have a spare Diesel engine from 1550 if anyone needs it. NO SPAMMERS!
  8. C

    1650 single acting cylinder and 3pt Hitch

    I installed a valve w/ float, hooked to power beyond ports.. works perfect.
  9. C

    new flower pot well maybe?

    Looks WAY to nice to waste,.. I don't need but someone does. Post your location please.
  10. C

    Bosch Pump oliver 77, 88 diesel

    Thank you Dieseltech. Does anyone reading this out there have or knows where to look for this pump? TIA
  11. C

    Bosch Pump oliver 77, 88 diesel

    A friend working on an Allis WD45 Diesel. Pump bad, was told Oliver used same pump on 77 and 88. Is this true and does anyone here have one for sale. Closer to NC the better. TKS
  12. C

    77 gas into 1550 D governor control

    Putting a 77 gas into 1550 was D. Having trouble getting throttle linkage to work governor correctly.. Starts and idles fine but my linkage doesn't get governor to open throttle in carb correctly.. Anyone here w/ linkage length might help me. TKS in advance.
  13. C

    Looks like I'm an Oliver man now

    Congrats: I've got a 1655D that Dad bought new in mid '70s. My main Big Tractor now. Do my heavy mowing, etc w/it.. Very dependable.
  14. C

    1550 engine

    Looking for replacement engine: 1550. could use 77, Super 77, 1550, 1555. Prefer Diesel but gas ok.. NC. Tks.
  15. C

    Ford 300 in Super 88

    This should be a fun/not fun project but good luck. FYI, I have a friend building a Henry J drag car, using a 300 Ford, REALLY built! but planning bout 700 hp non-turbo! Enjoy
  16. C

    Using power beyond for a single action cylinder?

    Guys, I put a power beyond valve, meant for a front end loader, had one function on joystick that had float, onto my 1655. Float feature works perfectly. Plumbed up according to a pic/recommendation from this site. Three point hitch works fine. This is a can do operation.. Good luck..
  17. C

    Power Steering Hoses Oliver 1600

    Suggestion: While in there do all hoses, PLUS take plenty of pics to be sure you replace correctly.
  18. C

    1600 clutch

    I'm certainly not the expert here, but lots of us have done this to keep the sprockets lined up: apparently was done in factory on some although not on my 1655 or 2-70: Drill a 5/8 or 1/2 in. hole in bottom of tub under back side of 2 speed or 3 speed as you have. Run a bolt w/ locking nut...
  19. C

    1650 Acts Like Running Out of Fuel

    Interesting note on fuel cap not venting. I actually run the IH type caps on all 4 of my 4 digits. Put a new one on my 1550. Keeps fuel from leaking all over hood.. BUT: first time I ran it for hour or so.. acted like out of fuel.. Took cap off to check tank, had a vacuum there so now...
  20. C

    Oliver tedder

    99.9% if all tedders have been/ are built in Europe. Even the few built in US are mainly European components. In fact, Kuhn built horse drawn tedders in France in the 1800's

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