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  1. M

    Case 530 Clutch won't disengage

    I’ve been thinking about something like that also, and it sounds like a good plan. That will be my next step. Thanks again to everyone who has responded.
  2. M

    Case 530 Clutch won't disengage

    One of my thoughts was to chain it to a stout tree, leave some slack, then start it in gear and hope it breaks the clutch loose. If it doesn’t break loose however, there is no way to quickly stop the forward drive. My biggest concern is a ‘terminal wheelie’. I might try towing another tractor...
  3. M

    Case 530 Clutch won't disengage

    I have that cover off so that I can see the throwout bearing and pressure plate assembly, that's how I know that the pressure plate is moving away from the friction disc. I can't see any part of the friction disc or the contact face of the flywheel from there though. I'll look a little closer to...
  4. M

    Case 530 Clutch won't disengage

    After sitting over the winter, the clutch on my 1965 Case 530 Diesel won't disengage. I can see that the pressure plate releases as normal. I'm sure that the friction disc has simply locked to the flywheel due to moisture, rust etc. after having sat engaged for 6 months over the winter, it...

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