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  1. R

    Ford 7600 PTO and 3 point hitch not working

    Just following up on this. I sent the tractor to a local shop to have the work done. I don't have the time or tools to split a tractor. The valve under the seat was stuck. They worked on it, but it must still have some leak by as it's jumpy and has the hiccups (it's back in the shop because the...
  2. R

    NH 6635 A/C fan motor

    I have a NH 6635 cab tractor that the A/C fan motor is not functioning properly. The unit blows cold air, but only at a very slow speed. I have replaced the switch and no change. My question is, how do you get the fan motor out to change it? I haven't found any videos or forums on the matter.
  3. R

    Ford 7600 PTO and 3 point hitch not working

    I will look into finding a set of gauges. Any suggestions on a good set? I see I can get sets from Harbor Freight but if there are good quality ones that would be better I'll certainly entertain it for now and future uses.
  4. R

    Ford 7600 PTO and 3 point hitch not working

    I did not connect a implement to the remote valves but it does put some strain on the engine when working the lever back and forth. I've read that I can check the flow through the remote valves as well as the pressure but I do not currently have a guage to test it with. Would that help me...
  5. R

    Ford 7600 PTO and 3 point hitch not working

    I recently purchased a non running 7600. After correcting the issues I was able to get it running and serviced the engine and hydraulic system but I noticed the 3 point hitch isn't lifting and the pto isn't working. The dual power is functioning and the remote valve seems to be working as well...

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