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  1. T

    how big of a horse ?

    again, thank you everyone for your ideas and input. ss55....well I called the area transportation service, and I was shocked, they said they could do that, if things would work, the only thing they didn't like was they would be on gravel roads.....the cost they had to figure, but about either...
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    how big of a horse ?

    Thank you all for your input. A fellow that is doing some of the custom farm stuff for me used to work in an IHC shop and was/is pretty good, he now farms and has cattle. He has a boy that is going to go to vo-tech school in equipment, so we talked today and they are going to look over the...
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    how big of a horse ?

    Well hello all. Well I need to barrow some knowage from the group. Due to health (heart attack, diabetic, bad liver already in the transplant clinic), I had to retire from active farming. Plus throw in having to take care of my aging parents, with heart, diabetes and kidney/dialysis. Well...
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    Jd 4020 crankshaft

    Question. On a jd 4020 to replace the crankshaft, do you have to split the tractor, or is there another way ?
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    Ihc 403 combine...cant get seperator clutch to disenguage

    Hello. I cant take the machine out of Gear. I took the panel off the seperator Cluch, looks like the fingers locked In, but cant seem to get them unlocked Therefore, getting the clutch plates To come apart. I put a wrench on The bottom of the seperator clutch, Where the shaft comes out, but...
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    Case 2090 heating

    Thank you for reading my post. Our Case is running, what I think a little Warm. I put on an old fashioned water Temp guage. Pulling a disc, and in 95 degree temps, she wants to do 195 or better. Looked at thermostats and one didn't Look right, so put them Helped, just took longer to...
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    Grain capacity JD DF b 16x8 grain drill

    Trying to figure how accurate our Drilling was. Can't find how many bu of wheat It will hold. Thank you !
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    she won't turn

    howdy all. I might have asked this before...I get a little forgetful once in a while. Anyhow, have a 68 jd 4020. She has been acting up on the hyd. It would turn ok, then it wouldn't. So pulled off the steering valve, and had it rebuilt at JD. They put it on the test rig, and it was ok when it...
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    clutch JD 4020

    hello. need some help thinking here. had a little episode here a while back and things got fuzzy for a little bit but things starting to come back now...have a friend with a later 4020. The question is, is the clutch out. I haven't had time to really look it over. when she isn't running I can...
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    1952 IHC L120 Panel wagon

    well I tried the classic truck site, but wasn't smart enough to post this there. I helping a friend. They have a 1952 ihc L120 Panel wagon. It is outside, and looks like everything there. I think it might be rare because it's research and can't find it anywhere. would like help in figuring...
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    Round up ready 1 beans

    Hello. Reason for rr1 is cost We have little if any subsoil moisture, A drought is forecast for next year, and Projected price is $8 a bu The key is expense control. Sorry $60+ a bag will not work
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    Round up ready 1 beans

    Howdy. Any leads on companies that Will have RR1 beans next year. Would Like 3.9 or better. With forecast of $8 next year we've got to do something. Thanks
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    What tractor do I need ?

    Hello. I'm wanting to get a little tractor. One I can rotary mow with, if Needed a sicle mower and a side delivery rake. I also have some acre or Two patch's I want to plant to Milo Or soybeans. I have an old pull type Lister I could maybe use. Everyone Says get ATV...but I want something...
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    case 2090 heating

    Hello. Recently acquired a case 2090. Have been trying to disk some very hard ground. Seems like the tractor heats. It has not got into the "hot" area, but likes to stay in the upper part of "normal", I would rather see it stay in the middle of the normal. I don't think i'm overloading it...
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    overhauling jd 4020 questions

    Hello. Well i kind of have a problem. several years ago i started to overhaul a 4020. found some cylinders scoured, and the crankshaft has been burned. So i started in, and things went crazy in life, and never got done. I've did the hard part, i've pulled the sleves. only thing not done is...
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    dry fert add on for jd planter

    yet, another question. again, want to go to dry fert, to get away from expensive liquid. about the only company i have found that has an after market dry fert option is kindze manufacturing....anyone know of any others ? also, has anyone used, or added, their after market option ? then you...
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    Great Plains 1006 NT drill

    Hello. Looking at several things. First, What is the feeling on the above mentioned drill....other than it needs to be bigger. Also any ideas on what a 10 year old, fairly good shape unit is worth. it was owned by the local conservation district. Second, i'm getting tired of paying so much...
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    salesman laughed at me today

    well I've been looking for a tractor. With the way things are, I don't want to take "the plunge". I'm sorry, I can see no way to buy a $100,000 tractor, other than sell some ground, which would be counter productive. I was looking at a tractor, and asking about it, and then the salesman said...
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    ford 9700 vs case 1896

    Hello all. many thanks for the thoughts and imput. Well neither tractor has front wheel drive. I don't know why, but seems like we are in a black hole here in kansas......tractor availability, crazy prices, and don't get me started on the political headaches !! still scratching my head. it the...
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    ford 9700 vs case 1896

    Hello. Need to have a bigger brain than mine. Looking at a ford 9700 and case 1896. The 9700 has about 130 hp, which i would like, but about 9850 hours, not much history, looks nice, not much oil anywhere...and $13,000 the 1896 is about 95 hp i understand, has about 4200 hrs. again, not much...

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