Search results

  1. D

    Merry Christmas!!

    Merry Christmas to all.
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    Lightweight trailer brakes; yes or no?

    yes sir, here in oregon
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    Lightweight trailer brakes; yes or no?

    Add brakes and you will have to chain it up when chains required, no brakes no chains...
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    Alternator conversion not working

    When i did mine i took the Alt. to a electrical repair shop and had them put in a low rpm exciter, worked great don't know if there still available.
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    Water well pump

    John T is on the money, I have the same system, I forgot the pressure buts right below cut in pressure.
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    Poll or old members

    Been here for years, dont post much
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    50 years and 3 days

    So sorry to hear that, our prayers are with you
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    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to you all from south central oregon
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    Balancing Beads in G Rated Tires

    We use them in our pick up it has 19.5, love them, takes a bit to get use to them. when you ck the tire pressure if one is seeping just bump a little air to it, the valve have filters to keep the beads in but once in awhile one will get buy.
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    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to you all, Very white here in south central Oregon
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    Been wearing muck boots for years, this pair worn out have been looking at bogs and some others, what brands do you all wear? Thanks.
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    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving all
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    E trailer .com

    I buy alot from them good pricing alot in stock fast delivery, I dont think you can go wrong.
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    Triple digit temps

    About a month ago we went from snow showers ( no accumulation) to are first 100 degree day in 8 days, oddest year i've seen.
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    Triple digit temps

    I am here in south southern Oregon, prediction is for o 100 plus for a week, we don't normally get to 100's till august. We've had many fires already, terrible dry.
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    It's Dry

    Really dry here south east oregon, fire season has started already, not going to be good.
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    Anyone have one of these or use one ?

    Use one at work almost daily, love it!
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    Building some road

    Cinders are common here too, They even cinder the roads in the winter time for traction in the snow and ice.
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    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all
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    Lockdown day 7

    great news on the wife

We sell tractor parts! We have the parts you need to repair your tractor - the right parts. Our low prices and years of research make us your best choice when you need parts. Shop Online Today.
