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  1. J

    Live PTO

    Words absolutely do not mean the same thing to all people, all times, in all places. Even when a person says tractor "model", it can mean several things. With Fords, at least to me, it gets even more confusing. Take the 601 Workmaster. Some think of it as a "model" and others as a "series...
  2. J

    International B250

    You have me curious. I assume you are referring to the valves in the cylinder head? If so, are they any difference in the B-275 with the BD-144 or BC-144 engines?
  3. J

    Golden Jubilee

    Allis Chalmers ED40 (English Diesel) also had it.
  4. J

    Live PTO

    Society of Ag Engineers can say what they want. So can the people who invented many of these things and applied for patents. Word usage (connotation and denotation) and meaning is not controlled by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. As to the Dearborn "Live PTO" option # 23-12...
  5. J

    Live PTO

    There is no absolute rule at to what "live PTO" means. If you look at some of the first patents, titles were often about marketing. To me (and many others) - live PTO means the PTO stays running even when you disengage your wheel travel. It can be an "independent", "Continuous", etc...
  6. J

    Live PTO

    One example is the 1959 Ford 871 Gold Selecto-O-Matic.
  7. J

    Live PTO

    I assume any tractor made in 1959 with the Select-o-Speed transmission had what I call "live PTO."
  8. J

    Golden Jubilee

    Ford had what they called a "Live PTO" option. Usually dealer installed. I took mine out and eliminated it. Not really what I think of when talking about live power, but close enough to get the title I guess.
  9. J

    Golden Jubilee

    As far as I know, none have live PTOs except for the odd-ball dealer-installed kit. I recently removed it from my Jubilee. Too problematic.
  10. J

    Ford 4000? Identification

    After the model number on mine is the serial # and that has diamond marks on both ends. # 18114
  11. J

    Ford 4000? Identification

    I have a 1964 4000 Industrial with a 172. Model 41301S
  12. J

    1973 Case 450B - 207 Runs and Dies

    It is likely a piece of plastic fell apart inside the pump. It is a common issue in the Stanadyne DB rotary-distributor pumps. I had a 188 diesel in my Case 580CK and the ring went. I put a new one it. A few years later, I upgraded to a 207D and the plastic fell apart in that pump also. Less...
  13. J

    ‘70 4020 CB injector pump o-rings

    Not a diagram, but images are good.
  14. J

    hyd fluid

    I have used it for years in my 300B with no issues. With a Dubque Deere, the main concern is how the aftermarket oil works with your reverser and wet-brakes. If you add some odd-ball oil and that reverser shifts funny, or the brakes grab, get rid of it. Make little difference for the rest of the...
  15. J

    desparate need of a steering arm for JD 302A

    If you painted your 302A green, it would basically be a 1530. The 2010 and 2030 you mention both have four-cylinder engines. Your rig has a three-cylinder.
  16. J

    desparate need of a steering arm for JD 302A

    I am pretty sure when I bought my last new one aftermarket, I had the choice of the original style with four splines, or the new replacement fine-spline. Deere stopped making the four-spline and makes you get the fine-spline and replace other parts to make it fit. Maybe your's was already...
  17. J

    car ports

    I have 10 of those steel car ports, all in a windy and snowy area. In my opinion, the heavier gauge steel is a must and so is vertical roofing. The cheaper horizontal roofing is awful when it gets snow on it. I had one large car-port blow away a week after it was installed. I had meant to do...
  18. J

    desparate need of a steering arm for JD 302A

    302a has nothing in common with a 2010 either. If you have a three cylinder engine, it is similar to a 1020 farm tractor or a 300 industrial wheel tractor. 300, 300B, 302, 310, etc. are all built on a Dubuque/Manheim type tractor format. The 3020s you mentioned earlier is a Waterloo format...
  19. J

    desparate need of a steering arm for JD 302A

    This the new course-spline arm I bought for my 300B Deere, right here on YT.
  20. J

    desparate need of a steering arm for JD 302A

    Why not buy the new arm here and support this place? I got two new one here and YT price was a good as any other place. You need an arm listed for a 1020, 2020, 300 or 400 industrial, etc. Just make sure you get the one with the correct splines (course or fine).

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