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  1. W

    1953 Ford NAA Jubilee Serial Number

    I’m 99% sure it’s a jubilee, I know for a fact it’s an NAA , the engine code, transmission code, and rear end code all start with NAA
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    1953 Ford NAA Jubilee Serial Number

    I’m wondering if it had an engine swap at some point, although it had to be a long time ago because the engine has some serious age to it. I just don’t understand what H152 means in that stamp block where the serial number should be. Maybe I need to brush it more and see if there is more...
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    1953 Ford NAA Jubilee Serial Number

    I assume it would be in one of the stamp blocks shown in the picture, is that where It’s supposed to be or is it somewhere else on the engine block?
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    1953 Ford NAA Jubilee Serial Number

    I have been looking for a while to find the serial number on my jubilee tractor, having been told it was either on the left side of the block under the head or on the transmission housing behind the starter. After scraping some paint and cleaning up I found as stamp on the left side of the...
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    1953 NAA jubilee Carburetor recommendation

    What I have is a piece of junk aluminum one that the previous owner faves me when I bought it. I have already tried to rebuild it but many of the parts from the rebuild kit don’t fit since It’s Chinese garbage.
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    1953 NAA jubilee Carburetor recommendation

    The one i am looking to buy is a cast iron made in the USA direct copy of the original design. I’ve learned to stay away from the amazon junk!
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    1953 NAA jubilee Carburetor recommendation

    I am wanting to purchase either a new or rebuilt carb for my jubilee but am unsure which to go with. A brand new one that is cast iron and is built per the original Marvel Shebler spec is around $220. A rebuilt carb with an authentic Marvel Shebler body but all new internal parts is $275. Not...
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    1953 NAA carb sputter after rebuild

    Ok, I will take it back apart and try that. Thanks!
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    1953 NAA carb sputter after rebuild

    My 1953 Jubilee was shutting off on me and would not start. After investigating I found the tank and fuel screen clogged with rust flakes and trash, and found lots of rust powder inside the carburetor. I rebuilt the carb with the kit from farm tractor repair and cleaned it well. I put a new...
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    1953 Ford Jubilee going dead/ Carb trouble?

    I I did the fuel flow test yesterday and it tested good. I haven’t tested spark yet but will soon
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    1953 Ford Jubilee going dead/ Carb trouble?

    How exactly do I test the spark like you were saying, I’ve never done that before.
  12. W

    1953 Ford Jubilee going dead/ Carb trouble?

    I also did plugs and changed the oil when I first got it about 2 months ago, it ran great until just the other day so I wonder if the Chinese carb is junk or maybe it had some trash in the fuel
  13. W

    1953 Ford Jubilee going dead/ Carb trouble?

    It had a bunch of extra wires and wasn’t done properly from what I’ve read. I bought the 12v conversion kit from farm tractor repair and completely rewired the tractor. I did a wiring harness, solenoid, starter button, alternator, coil, wires, ignition switch and it ran like a dream right...
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    1953 Ford Jubilee going dead/ Carb trouble?

    I have a 1953 Jubilee that I use to bush hog my property, recently it’s been slower to start then what I’m used to, normally first crank it fires right up. Today it had no interest in starting, I finally got it going and it was running like a top, then after about 2 passes it went dead, no...
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    1953 NAA Jubilee erratic tachometer

    I went ahead and ordered a new gauge and cable since they both look pretty rough. Thanks for the advice!
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    1953 NAA Jubilee erratic tachometer

    Is it a relatively easy plug and play replacement?
  17. W

    1953 NAA Jubilee erratic tachometer

    This past weekend I rewired my ‘53 jubilee and corrected the 12v conversion that was done by the previous owner, it runs so much better now and feels like it runs a lot stronger. I noticed upon the first test drive that the tachometer bounces all over the place and doesn’t really work anymore...
  18. W

    1953 jubilee wiring trouble

    You are correct, I had it backwards.
  19. W

    1953 jubilee wiring trouble

    I rewired my 1953 NAA jubilee with the harness from the farm tractor repair website/youtube. I wired it exactly per the diagram and video, installed a brand new battery which I’ve tested to be good, and a new starter button. With the key on and pressing the starter button it does absolutely...
  20. W

    1953 NAA jubilee fuel shutoff

    I left my farm today after working on the jubilees, I think I turned the gas off but am not 100% sure. Will it hurt it to have the gas on overnight? I’m gonna run out there in the morning and check for sure, I’m just worried about it since I am home. The guy that had it before me I don’t think...

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