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  1. T

    Auto trans fluid replacing Type A atf as Hyd fluid

    Doing some research I came across this, wonder if any body has ever used it 50% Dextron III compatible atf 50% Type f atf Mix the two together and you have a atf Druid that closely resembles the Type A atf that was originally called for in your Hyd System. Anybody ever used this. in the Jet...
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    1964 Minneapolis moline jet star A T F

    Been doing some research on ATF type A I learned that auto trans fluid type A was done away with back in 50’s. I also leared that if you mix equal parts of ATF with dextron III and type F you get a very close match to the original type A automatic transmission fluid which was originally...
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    Rear axle seals leaking on my Minneapolis Moline 1961 Jet Star

    Thanks for the info, How are the hubs attached to the axle? Where to start while attempting to remove the hubs?
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    Rear axle seals leaking on my Minneapolis Moline 1961 Jet Star

    Seals or gasket is leaking on rear axel housing where the axel comes out. Got thes shop manual out and I’m a little confused. Haven’t had anything on the back apart yet. So it’s all kind of new to me Can I get at the oil seal and gaskets by just pulling The axel shafts out and replacing worn...
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    P S I hyd pump is putting out

    Anybody know how much preasure the Hyd pump on a Jet Star is putting out?
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    Throttle control

    Boy I hope it will be that easy Thanks
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    Throttle control

    Minneapolis Moline Jet Star 1961 I picked this tractor up a year or so ago. Pretty much a basket case. It’s all back together and drives and runs well. The problem lies with the throttle linkage, or the govener?? The throttle lever won’t hold in one spot or speed. It acts like it is spring...
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    Radiator gasket

    Thanks, good to know
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    Radiator gasket

    Good Morning I had to pull the radiator off my 1961 Minneapolis Moline Jet Star to take it in and get repairs done to the radiator. Once the radiator was off, I was finding that the gasket was trashed! I and needed to be replaced. Anyone know what type of material should be used in this...
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    Leaking Radiator on my Jet Star

    I checked with Welters Farm Supply in Verona MO 417 498 6496. They had just hotter a Jet Star in and the radiator was good, but needed some solder work on the top tank. That s the same place mine is leaking so I m just going to solder it up my self next week. Welters are great people to work...
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    Leaking Radiator on my Jet Star

    looks like he closed up shop
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    Leaking Radiator on my Jet Star

    Thanks I'll check it out
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    Leaking Radiator on my Jet Star

    Has anyone had any radiator work done on their M M tractor? I live in Traverse City Mi. ( Northern Mich ) and am trying to find a radiator repair shop. These are becoming a thing of the past as I guess they don t fix them anymore just throw them away and order a new radiator or core I ve got a...
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    Wireing diagram 1964 Jet Star to convert to a 12 volt ne

    Thanks to all for your help and info. Rewired the tractor yesterday and reversed the polarity to a Neg Ground. The wireing diagram was a BIG help
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    Wireing diagram 1964 Jet Star to convert to a 12 volt ne

    One more quick question. Does the generator need to be excited to switched over to neg ground Once rewireing is completed?
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    Wireing diagram 1964 Jet Star to convert to a 12 volt ne

    Looks like exactly what I needed. Thanks! Where can you get this diode that is wired in on the diagram, auto parts store I think radio shack went out of business at least around here. Any way thanks again much appreciated
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    Wireing diagram 1964 Jet Star to convert to a 12 volt ne

    Good evening all. Would anyone out there have a wireing diagram for a 1964 Moline Jet Star they would be willing to share with me ? I would like to change it from a positive ground to negative ground and up grade the generator system to an alternator system. I did this once before on an 8 N...
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    Oil preasure, or lack thereof

    [quote=Thanks.for the info you have posted. Just got back from my camp where my tractor is housed. Took your advise and hooked up a good gauge i got from a friend. Fired the tractor up, oil preasure went up to 28 PSI and stayed there till it warmed up. Preasure dropped to 22 PSI when it was...
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    Oil preasure, or lack thereof

    Thanks but that engine was pretty clean inside and out when it got put back together

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