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  1. W

    John Deere 2130 bearing pieces floating around rear end

    Thanks for your replies! I think I will have to wait till winter to tear into it but will let everyone know what I find.
  2. W

    John Deere 2130 bearing pieces floating around rear end

    Hi All, I was running a mixer wagon on my John Deere 2130 the other day and the pto randomly stopped turning and made a grinding noise like gears not fully engaged. I immediately disengaged the pto and the grinding stopped. When i tried re engaging it made the grinding noise again under load...
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    Waukesha 310 value?

    I am trying to find out what updates were done at the time of rebuild. Is it true a person can shine a flashlight down the oil filler and see which parts were used ? What exactly am I looking for?
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    Waukesha 310 value?

    Hi All, I’m looking at buying an Oliver 1855 with a fairly fresh 310 (rebuild approx 600hrs ago). I’ve got it in my head that I want to put an industrial 12valve Cummins in it (already have it in the shed) and am wondering what the value of the running 310 is? We could debate how much sense...
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    IH 684 Loader Plumbing

    Thanks for the reply JimB2. I though my tractor was completely built and assembled in Doncaster but not sure. It says build at Doncaster on the plate. Pretty sure mine has Lucas electrics. My remote valve area looks identical to Rhomiums in his pictures at the start of this thread. I understood...
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    IH 684 Loader Plumbing

    Hi All, I am going through the same process as the op plumbing loader onto my IH 684 tractor. I have done as suggested above by taking out the power beyond plug and plumbing from it to the side marked "in" on the loader valve bank and then plumbed the outlet down into the hole below the axle. I...
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    Cummins 6bt+Allison AT545 swap into Oliver or White tractor.

    Ok that's all good information. Thanks! PTO sounds like it would be a major challenge with this idea and good point about the auto trans rolling even when in neutral and making shifting of the standard hard. Forgetting about those issues for a moment would a trans such as an Allison MT643 with...
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    Cummins 6bt+Allison AT545 swap into Oliver or White tractor.

    Hi All, I've been doing a lot of reading on here regarding swapping a Cummins 12 valve into an Oliver 1850, 1955, White 2-105 etc and think it sounds like a fun project. I found a good running Cummins in a '93 Bluebird bus which is mated to an auto Allison AT545 transmission. Could a guy get...

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