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  1. H

    38” rear wheel replacement MF 180

    Hey there I’m waiting on a replacement. Got tired of calling around and searching for a 38” rim of any style to cut apart and weld a patch into. I really like that idea though. So after calling about 15 different tractor repair shops and tire and wheel shops with no one even wanting to help out...
  2. H

    38” rear wheel replacement MF 180

    Thanks guys I’m not much of a mechanic but can usually tear things apart and put ‘em back together and learning all the time how things work. Most of this stuff seems to be pretty basic to how it operates. So makes sense to be able to weld some new stuff together and drill out valve stem just...
  3. H

    38” rear wheel replacement MF 180

    Howdy I usually post on another forum but seem to be more older tractor owners on here with lots of insight. so I thought I’d give this a go. I have a Massey Ferguson 180 tractor that the rear wheel has rusted out and it’s beyond repair according to the tire shop. It has the power adjustment...

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