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  1. Ray,IN

    Advisement for a good old Row Crop Tractor

    Thanks for the correction. I once had a MF 95 tricycle-type, I thought it was a 90 till you jogged my memory.
  2. Ray,IN

    To35 tires

    Tractor tire sizes were changed about 3x years ago. The same numbers have different actual measurements. Do you homework. I got caught in that and wound up with rears that appeared way under-sized.
  3. Ray,IN

    Advisement for a good old Row Crop Tractor

    I seem to recall the MF 85,90, series were made by Minneapolis Moline for MF. Yup, some replacement parts are scarce.
  4. Ray,IN

    Nuts For Horse Drawn Wagon

    A much simpler method is to tighten the nut as desired, then use a center-punch and hammer to bend the threads right at the nut. This way the nut can be further tightened as needed and the threads punched again.
  5. Ray,IN

    Nuts For Horse Drawn Wagon

    If you never want the nut/bolt connection to loosen, use red LocTite. It requires heat of 500°F or more to loosen.
  6. Ray,IN

    Cold Soldering Gun

    The thread title reminded me of the "as seen on TV" add several decades ago. It advertised a battery-powered cold solder gun that was safe to touch___. Yea, right; that turnip truck is long gone.
  7. Ray,IN


    Watched a couple on TV that used to have a house in Palasades, I say used to because they said their insurance co. cancelled their policy just before Christmas, their house burned last week. Their feeling of helplessness was very obvious.
  8. Ray,IN


    Just last month my homeower insurance co. sent me the substantiating documents to prove my replacement cost was $283/SF and requested pmt of an additional $113/yr. I can foresee the ins. co. asking for even more money next year after the CA fire claims begin being paid.
  9. Ray,IN

    Things you don't like about Wal Mart.

    What I like least??? The way some idiots park their cars.
  10. Ray,IN

    Cutting off parting

    Spring action of holder; I had straight holders that didn't pickup vibrations. I used a 4-way solid post. Been retired for 25 years so I'm having to wake up my memory bank. I centered my parting tool by using my pocket scale. I ran the slide in until the tool would hold the scale exactly...
  11. Ray,IN


    Naturally the price of farm equipment, fertilizer and seed was also the same____. Some years ago a farmer won the state lottery, when asked his plans, he said "I'll keep farming till it's all gone.
  12. Ray,IN

    How Do I Hold Stuff In a Vise Without Damaging (gears, threaded stuff, etc.)

    That's how we made copper faces for our vices in the tool-room. Takes about 2 seconds to remove or replace them in the vice.
  13. Ray,IN

    Cutting off parting

    Spent years working in a tool-room, now a retired tool-maker. The single most important thing is to have the parting blade exactly centered on the work and parallel with the chuck face. Under-center causes the blade to jump into the work, over-center means you are pushing the material as much as...
  14. Ray,IN

    I'm ready for the high wind.

    What_no fridge or freezer to run??
  15. Ray,IN

    Has anybody else seen pricing trends changing.

    How about 82_. I sold my Super M about 2004, along with a MF 135 continental, and a H.F. 30 to a collector. Now I'm down to my M.F. 451 W/FEL. Old iron is attractive, but @ 82 hyds. and power steering rule. I've seen old restored iron sell for much less than the restore costs.
  16. Ray,IN

    Casualty of an inch of ice

    Naah; some duck-tape, baling wire and a BFH can fix that, might never work right again, but it's fixed. An act of Nature; no insurance co. pays. Sorry for your loss.
  17. Ray,IN

    Perkins gas 152 rebuild time.

    There's a older thread here explaining the entire process, how to machine the puck, etc
  18. Ray,IN

    massey 35 diesel

    And the end-cost would likely be very close.
  19. Ray,IN

    MF 35 serial number - missing tag

    This might be helpful: And a link from that webpage: indicates casting codes and year of mfgr.
  20. Ray,IN

    Safe speed for a lawn mower?

    Geo, what do you plan to do to increase braking ability to match top speed? Get very drunk___. :devilish:

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