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  1. J

    Mowing with the 4630

    Good looking tractor
  2. J

    2022.05.27 Tractor Pic

    Worked for a landscaper who had one about like that. Handy little tractor
  3. J

    My dads old VAC Case tractor

    They are great tractors. Wish I had ours but Dad sold it years ago
  4. J

    Wrecking yard

    Miller Repair Maxwell, NE
  5. J

    Cat Science Funny

    For sure
  6. J

    Sell it or keep it update

    First of all, thank you for everyone's input, I appreciate it. Few days ago she put it on writing that if I intend to keep the Ford 7710 it is mine free and clear but if I intend to sell it, she wants half. I am keeping it.
  7. J

    Sell it or Keep it

    As a follow up, planning to move back to my hometown soon as I find a job. Should be able to buy more acreage there for the money
  8. J

    Sell it or Keep it

    Going through a divorce and will have to sell our acreage. If I give her half the value of the tractor, I can keep it. The tractor can be stored inside at the family farm that is leased out. My 79 year old Dad already has a tractor so doesnt need mine. It would likely just sit in storage most...
  9. J


    He is Risen indeed!
  10. J

    Ford 7710

    I have a Ford 7710 Series II. (BLACK STRIPE) Amazing tractor. Keep on mind, it is only a 4 cylinder. The turbocharger is making a good part of your horsepower. When working hard, keep it wound up, above 1800rpm. If you need more power, maybe you need more tractor, think 6 cylinder.
  11. J

    2022.04.09 Rust Pic

    Case VAC, had one growing up
  12. J

    2022.03.31 Tractor Pic

    Know a farmer who has one and uses it
  13. J

    2022.03.19 "Extra" Pic

    MM made a lot of propane burners
  14. J

    Time for work

    Medishare. Not misspelled
  15. J

    Cab for a kubota?

    Might be ahead to trade it for one that has a cab on it. Cabs, mounting, and wiring are a lot more complicated today
  16. J

    New to the site .

    Welcome aboard, glad your here
  17. J

    Hardly a Break

    You described east central Nebraska a year ago
  18. J

    Re: Deutz Tractor

    Did they check the front seal on the pump? Friends tractor was putting diesel into the crankcase turned out to be the front seal on the injector pump. Case 1070 btw
  19. J

    Cheap 2

    I drain mine too

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