Search results

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    How Do I Hold Stuff In a Vise Without Damaging (gears, threaded stuff, etc.)

    We had a set of brass inserts to protect sensitive parts in the vice at the shirt factory I worked in.
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    20-20 Coats tire machine air gauge and manual needed

    Here is a link to the Coats Web page.
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    Maple Tree

    Yes it is.
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    Steam cleaner

    The difference between a unit in a room with carpet and a room with hardwood floors or vinyl is amazing. Carpet is fuzzy and the AC sucks it in.
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    Maple Tree

    I have 2 oak trees in my yard, On one the leaves all turn brown but don't fall off till spring. The other one stays green until we a 24 period of below freezing weather,
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    Maintenance Checklist Templates

    For Word...
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    Steam cleaner

    I have window AC's in my house. I never turn them off without running a 5 minute fan only cycle. This dries the evaporator and it is amazing how clean it stays.
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    Can't get Netflix on my visio TV

    You can use a Roku box if your TV has a HDMI input...
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    Trickle Charge over winter

    J have a quick disconnect cable for my Battery Tender. It hooks to the battery and I can plug and unplug the tender,
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    Deere slide show short update video....

    Your welcome.
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    Deere slide show short update video....
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    Deere slide show short update video....

    Get a USB cassette deck. Makes it easy to convert.
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    Wood stove first fire of the season

    Still running my AC in Arkansas. Supposed to be 80 tomorrow.
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    Overhead door rollers

    Here are some...
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    Feed sack tags/labels

    This might help.
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    2 Belt lacer questions

    McMaster Carr Has a lot of belt lasing stuff.
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    2504 shift pattern??

    Is this it?
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    Electric wire question service lines from pole to house

    Squirrel ate the insulation off mine years ago. It hasn't caused any problems.
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    Need a Ford Select-o-speed input shaft front bearing

    I don't know if this Ebay will help or not.
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    DID I get a real message or SCAM?

    It's a scam. I have 2 Garmin's and and also update a friends GPS. I've never gotten an email from them.

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