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  1. F

    Ford one arm loader brackets

    bweb, I found the bracket, thanks for your response.
  2. F

    Ford one arm loader brackets

    Thanks Kirk
  3. F

    Ford one arm loader brackets

    Found the loader heel brackets. Thanks.
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    Ford one arm loader brackets

    The tractor is sitting in my farm shop with the loader mounted using the front bracket and hip bracket. This tractor has orchard exhaust on it with the pipe running next to the transmission. I saw a picture that showed the heel bracket having a bend in it…wonder if that is why? I’m hoping...
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    Ford one arm loader brackets

    Thanks for your response. Here is a picture from the Ford assembly manual.
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    Ford one arm loader brackets

    Would you be willing to sell the heel bracket from the loader to the transmission?
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    Ford one arm loader brackets

    I’m looking for the heel brackets…transmission to loader brackets for a 1969 Ford 4000. I have the front bracket and the hip bracket. I’m located in Michigan. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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    Ford One Arm Loader

  9. F

    Ford One Arm Loader

    The loader frame is a 19-209. Originally mounted on a 4 cyl. The mounting box was modified to work on a 3cyl. Good idea on the bale spear. Thanks for your help!
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    Ford One Arm Loader

  11. F

    Ford One Arm Loader

    Finally found the hip bracket needed to mount my Dads loader to a 3cyl. Ford 4000. Would like to use the loader to move 700 pound round bales. Does anyone here have a suggestion on building a round bale spear to fit where the manure bucket would mount? I'm wondering if it would be a good...
  12. F

    Ford One Arm Loader bracket

    Soundguy, This loader was originally mounted on an 800 series 4cyl. The Ford dealer reduced the size of the mounting box to about 3.5 inches to mount it to a 3cyl. 4000. Would it have been better to have kept the box at 5 inches? Thanks
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    Ford One Arm Loader bracket

    Soundguy, Was thinking about your post...are you saying if the box was reduced by 1.5 inches, you could use a 4 cyl. bracket on a 3cyl 4000
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    Ford One Arm Loader bracket

    Thank you! I will send you an email.
  15. F

    Ford One Arm Loader bracket

    Should have written from 5 to 3.5 inches
  16. F

    Ford One Arm Loader bracket

    When my Dad traded his 800 series Ford for the 3cyl. 4000, the dealer altered the mounting box from about 5.5 to 3.5 inches
  17. F

    Ford One Arm Loader bracket

    I bought a hip bracket for a Ford one arm loader. The bracket fits the 4 cyl. Fords. I need a hip bracket to fit a 3 cyl. Ford 4000. Would anyone who collects these loaders and brackets be willing to trade brackets?
  18. F

    ford one arm loader

    Thanks. It does help to see the hip bracket. It looks like you have two hip brackets, would you be interested in selling one of them?
  19. F

    ford one arm loader

    I might have to buy another loader just to get the brackets!

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